
Did Pineapple Express Steal This T-Shirt?

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/08 02:37PM

Sartorial scandal alert: Is the upcoming Seth Rogen film Pineapple Express guilty of wanton t-shirt design theft? A small Brooklyn t-shirt maker called WOWCH says that co-star James Franco's character appears in the movie wearing shark-and-kitten shirt that is really just a slightly altered version of a WOWCH design that was sold at Urban Outfitters in 2005. But the big stars don't give the little guys credit at all! The photographic evidence for this potential merchandising mockery-and the demands for redress-after the jump.

Tucker Max's Movie Script: The Final Lowlights

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/08 01:34PM

Do you know what time it is? Time for the final awful excerpts of hot lady-banging dude blogger Tucker Max's movie script, that's what time! In the first half of the film, we saw Tucker asserting his status as an alpha male; in the second half, he reveals his sensitive side. Below, the final three lowlights of I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell-embracing the themes of multiculturalism, midget sex, and, yes, diarrhea. We hope this doesn't spoil the movie for you: 4. Tucker's Friend Is Down With Mexicans, Mane:

Hobbit Homes Halted

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/08 10:36AM

An Oregon man who built a 31-lot Lord of the Rings-themed development called The Shire—including a house with an attached "hobbit hole," a central area called the "Ring Bearer's Court," and a set of bylaws called the "Declaration of Interdependence"—now faces financial ruin because of the bad real estate market. Or maybe it's because of the Lord of the Rings theme? No, definitely the real estate market. [Bend Bulletin]

Tucker Max's Movie Script

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/08 10:09AM

Yesterday we put out a call for the viciously panned script of I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, the upcoming film written by I-totally-fucked-that-chick blogger Tucker Max. We immediately received about a dozen copies of the script, which is apparently being forwarded around Hollywood like a list of bad lawyer jokes. I also could have said "like herpes," and I could also follow up by joking that the script is about as funny as a bad lawyer with herpes, haha. Friends, it opens with Tucker Max fucking a deaf girl and screaming "DON'T TAZE ME, BRO!." It is that bad. After the jump, three of the most terrible moments from the film's first half. Jesus, bro:

"The kind of asshole that all of his asshole friends love"

Hamilton Nolan · 08/04/08 12:30PM

You may be surprised to discover that people are still remarking upon the existence of Tucker Max, the prototypical ex-frat boy who likes to drink beer and bang hot girls and then write a crazy blog about the aforementioned banging that will make you lose your shit, bro. I would have guessed that Tucker would have settled down into a quiet job selling insurance by now after either being disabled in a bar fight or having his genitals bitten off by an undercover feminist. Instead, somebody foolish is paying him actual money to make a movie called I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, scheduled for release next year. More importantly, a blogger who read the film's script is calling it one of the most unfunny productions in years, and has nailed Tucker Max to the wall so deftly we just know he's home right now trying out comeback lines in the mirror while flexing his biceps and getting progressively drunker: The personality summary:

Eva Mendes Is Too Hot For TV (On Purpose)

Hamilton Nolan · 08/04/08 09:00AM

Calvin Klein has produced an ad campaign featuring a sultry actress flashing a nipple. That ad has now been banned from TV in America, resulting in a heap of free press for CK and its new fragrance. Could this standard-issue fashion PR masterstroke have been purposeful? A CK exec says it's "not entirely" a surprise that the ad showing Hitch starlet Eva Mendes writhing around naked on a bed (covered only by a strategically rumpled sheet) has been rejected by US networks. (It shows her nipple, duh!) The creative director behind it is maintaining a sense of righteous outrage, but this is clearly a well-executed textbook case of manufacturing controversy for publicity. Yes, we have the ad after the jump.

One More Thing: People Losing Their Shit in Movies and TV

ian spiegelman · 08/03/08 07:05PM

Perhaps the greatest thing in drama and comedy is that moment when a character totally unloads verbally in the worst possible way. Freak-outs, hissy-fits, last-nerve explosions... Nothing is more entertaining. And, in a freaky way, nothing is more nurturing. So let us share our favorites, shall we? I'll get us started with one everyone loves.

One More Thing: Great Moments in British Humor

ian spiegelman · 08/02/08 07:10PM

Are you havin' a laugh? The Brits aren't great at that many things. I mean, geez, they let a bunch of freaking drunken farmers steal their best set of colonies right out from under them. But they are a funny lot! So let's celebrate their bizarre sense of humor this evening with our favorite bits of English mirth. As usual, I've got something obvious to get us started after Ye Olde Jump.

Rare Photos Of Banksy In Action

Hamilton Nolan · 07/31/08 02:05PM

You thought that the search for new pictures of the mysterious world-famous street artist Banksy had come to an end? It has not! Our earlier shot at digging up photos of the maybe-identified but still unseen artist turned out to (probably) not be him. But! A tipster has sent us a lovely present: three still shots of Banksy in action, taken from a UK documentary filmed in 2000, when he was less obsessive about hiding his identity. We also have two photos of Banksy that were featured in an article in the UK's Squall magazine (now defunct) back in 2000. And for the finale: two art prints that are reportedly drawings of Banksy in profile, dressed as the Queen of England. None are full-on face shots; but this is probably the first time all these rarely-seen images have been collected in one place. Click through to explore. Stills from the 2000 UK documentary Boom or Bust, by filmmaker Si Mitchell:

USA #1

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/08 04:05PM

The LA earthquake did not disrupt the local screenings of Batman, thankfully. [LAT]

Can A Movie That's Not Crocodile Dundee Make People Go To Australia?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/08 11:33AM

I have to admit I didn't know that people actually physically picked up and visited and/ or moved to New Zealand just because they loved the Lord of the Rings movies. This is a fact, apparently, but what's the rationale? Hoping to run into a fantasy battle scene? I don't see it. Nevertheless, Australia is now planning to use a movie to lure in similar hordes of easily manipulated child-like Hollywood fans. If you go there you'll probably have sex with Nicole Kidman!

Snoop Dogg Named America's Musical Ambassador To India

Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/08 08:15AM

When a business has completely saturated one market, it can either die out or expand into another market. I think it's safe to say that rap-as-pop-music has reached its tipping point in terms of US commercial appeal. Luckily there's a billion people in India who have yet to embrace pimpology! Rappers in America have been stealing Indian music for beats for quite a while now, but the relationship hasn't been reciprocal. Snoop Dogg is on the kizzle, though, coming to Mumbizzle with a suitcase full of mizzle (marketing strategies). His main obstacle? India's current old-ass musical tastes:

One More Thing: Who is Your 90s Crush?

ian spiegelman · 07/27/08 05:57PM

With all the attention we pay to the 70s and 80s in these end-o'-the-day posts, we can forget that the recent past has much worth remembering. Like the hottest hotties of the 1990s, for example. And there were a lot of them! Who's your fave? I offer two of them in one dreamy clip after the jump. As always, alluring humans of all genders are welcome.

Let's Watch the Terminator: Salvation Teaser!

ian spiegelman · 07/27/08 09:04AM

Christian Bale is now officially the biggest action star in the world, and next year he's starring in the Terminator: Salvation-which takes place in the future! So, here's the teaser trailer. I didn't even know it was online!

Sam Raimi Confirms Evil Dead 4

ian spiegelman · 07/27/08 07:20AM

Awesome news out of San Diego Comic-Con. Spider-Man director Sam Raimi announced that he's getting back together with actor Bruce Campbell for a fourth installment of their stellar Evil Dead franchise. Though the zombie-filled series has been dormant since 1992's Army of Darkness, Raimi-who was promoting his upcoming flick, Drag Me to Hell-told fans that part 4 is "in the wheelhouse."

'Incredible Hulk' Screenwriter: Edward Norton Did Not Write My Freaking Script!

ian spiegelman · 07/26/08 04:46PM

For some reason, The Incredible Hulk star Edward Norton has apparently been telling fans that he wrote the screenplay for the superhero flick. This doesn't sit well at all with screenwriter Zak Penn, considering that he enjoys sole writing credit and says he'd been working on the story for more than a decade. Penn showed up at San Diego's Comic-Con 2008 yesterday and aired his thoughts to an appreciative audience of nerds.

Fata Morgana: The Best X-Files Episodes

Michael Weiss · 07/25/08 12:15PM

The reviews for the new X-Files: I Want To Believe flick are pretty grim. Manohla Dargis in the Times calls it "baggy, draggy, oddly timed and strangely off the mark," and Dana Stevens at Slate says it should be subtitled I Want To Care. But her colleague Juliet Lapidos makes a good point about why this is so disappointing — the film was conceived as a standalone episode, mercifully divorced from the muddled meta-narrative about how a government Syndicate was in cahoots with aliens looking to colonize the planet. (Joe Klein bangs that drum every time he writes "neocon.") X-Files standalones were really the gems of the series and most of them, as Lapidos shrewdly observes, were written by Darin Morgan, who also acted in others. If Charlie Kaufman had a brother, he'd be Darin Morgan (as it happens, he's the brother of one of the show's regular writers, Glen Morgan). After the jump, the best episodes cooked up by — or just featuring — this genius homunculus. Then we want your selections in the comments.

Harvey Weinstein Makes a Blog

Pareene · 07/24/08 03:48PM

Weinstein Company head Harvey Weinstein is blogging away at Portfolio in a perfect storm of terrible news that we are required to cover. He is mad at you for going to Batman instead of some bullshit pretend indie he released to no acclaim. IT WON FOUR BAFTAS. The problem is the lying, biased media. "So, you see, its not that I'm not focusing on great independent films, it's just that no one is paying attention to them." So go see some weepie pretend indie and help Harvey Take Back the Multiplex! [Portfolio via NYO]

One More Thing: Greatest Non-Humans in Movies and TV

ian spiegelman · 07/20/08 06:12PM

Film and television are not just mediums where mere human beings get to show off! They're also for the animals and aliens and all sorts of strange beings who make our lives that much more livable. So who are your favorite furry, or slimy, or scaly, or just plain not-human stars of the big and little screens? Share! My selection-I'm still in a monkey sort of mood-after the jump.