
The Insider's Guide To The Tribeca Film Festival

Nick Denton · 04/23/08 11:36AM

Forget the movies. As any veteran festival goer knows, all the work is done at the parties, where film industry players swap their views on movies nobody has seen. Robert De Niro's Tribeca Film Festival-a recent and upscale addition to the movie maker's annual peregrination which starts this week-is no different. The party timetable is usually a closely guarded document, passed around in email with a strict injunction against sharing with the hoi polloi. Here's what we think of that. First, the grid; then, below, the list of publicists you need to bully or cajole.

What Does Ang Lee Know About Tripping Balls In Upstate New York?

Alex Carnevale · 04/23/08 10:00AM

When Ang Lee took on the task of bringing Annie Proulx's Brokeback Mountain to the screen, he famously asked, "What do I know about gay ranch hands in Wyoming?" The director will be better informed about his adopted home state of New York. He and frequent collaborator James Schamus adapt the story of Greenwich Village interior designer Elliot Tiber, the man who gave the permit for the legendary doinkfest Woodstock Festival, where your parents went to drop acid and have unprotected sex in tents. Seriously, just ask them. The festival has inspired several popular documentaries, but the expensive cost of licensing the music discouraged a fictional treatment until now. Tiber's book Taking Woodstock: The True Story of a Riot, a Concert, and a Life was blurbed as "a queer memoir that puts the wood in Woodstock," source material that should entertain despite the lack of Joan Baez et al. In light of his recent comments against Canadian censorship legislation, he may want to use every sex scene the novel allows for, and several more it doesn't. With a small budget of $5 to $10 million, they may still be able to afford the penises of Jason Segel and Seth Rogen, which would be quite a coup. [Reuters]

Teaser Trailer for The Spirit

ian spiegelman · 04/20/08 03:04PM

So New York Comic Con has been going on all weekend and, of course, I couldn't go. So while all my nerd brothers and sisters are getting to see extended trailers for The Dark Night and sneak peaks of an Iron Man/The Incredible Hulk crossover, I'm stuck reading their half-assed reports. The one thing I could get my hands on was that my apartment-bound ass did get to see was this teaser for Sin City director Frank Miller's upcoming The Spirit which just hit the Net. Jump!

4/20 Movie Mayhem

ian spiegelman · 04/20/08 01:38PM

So how are you celebrating 4/20? Why not catch a screening of comedian Doug Benson's stoner documentary Super High Me, in which the funny man spends a month zonked out of his gord? 1350 screenings have been set up for today. Click here to find one near you! A trailer for the flick, which features a few celebrity cameos, after the jump. [via The Comic's Comic]

Harrison Ford's New Indy 4 Interview!

ian spiegelman · 04/20/08 09:42AM

Sean Connery might have reprised his role as Indy's dad in the upcoming Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but Harrison Ford put the kibosh on that noise real quick. "I said no, no no no. I'm old enough to play my own father in this one. Sean's only 12 years older than I am. [In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade] I had to play so much younger than I am in order to make it work for him. It was really a strain." More on Ford's rapidly olding oldness after the jump.

Respectable Publications: "Zombie Strippers"

Hamilton Nolan · 04/18/08 12:24PM

First of all, it's just great that the New York Times has a headline today that reads "Zombie Strippers." It has to, cause that's the name of a new movie. But it would be great under any circumstances. The Times' stuffy assessment is that pretty much everyone "can sit this one out." But would they be saying that if they were facing down Zombie Jenna Jameson who was intent on eating their face? These are the questions that "ivory tower" journalists don't like to think about. The trailer for this thrill ride of a lifetime is below—it looks like it could be good! No it doesn't.

Paris Hilton Stand-In Has Stand-In

Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/08 04:56PM

Famous Paris Hilton impersonator Natalie Reid is getting so popular these days that paid publicists are spontaneously sending out emails celebrating her overwhelming popularity. Along with photos generously marked "for public display," such as the one pictured! We received this bit of fan mail from Jim Strzalkowski of Xtra Public Relations: "Wow! Natalie Reid was all glammed up on the set of the Wayans Brothers' 'Snowflake.' Natalie was beside herself as she was bestowed the superstar treatment on the set. She had her own trailer, a stand-in and even fans asking her for her autograph" Fans you say, Jim? INCREDIBLE. But what did she tell her close friend?

Campus Conservatives Cry Out For Own Victim Status

Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/08 02:49PM

Bizarre racial thinker and conservative columnist John McWhorter today muses over his run-ins with the smug, misguided intellectuals who infest American higher education with their "radical leftist perspective." It's a standard-issue argument against political correctness, which ignores the salient point that conservatives are just as convinced of their own righteousness as liberals, they just don't have the numbers to assert their will on most campuses. Also, a tip for McWhorter: if you don't want to get argued with, you shouldn't have worked at freaking Berkeley. He says that the documentary "Indoctrinate U," out now, will help strike a blow against closed leftist minds. We agree that liberal political correctness is terribly annoying—almost as annoying as Republicans who use it as a canard to distract the world from their happy march towards fascism. Hey, this post is like a bad Poli-Sci class! The trailer for the film that will save beleaguered Ivy League ROTC students, after the jump.


Richard Lawson · 04/17/08 11:23AM

OK, so is anyone as creeped out by this trailer for The Strangers as I was? It looks a bit like that Luke Wilson/Kate Beckinsale movie Vacancy, which was actually pretty darn scurrry.

Babysitter Prostitute Movie Sure To Inspire Misguided Fantasies

Hamilton Nolan · 04/16/08 02:43PM

This upcoming film called "The Babysitters" is about babysitters, alright—hooker babysitters. One high school girl starts off as a mere child supervisor, but quickly comes to find that she can build more wealth selling her own body. Then all her high school friends are like "Hey, us too!" This movie may have been made before, but probably never outside the pornography industry. It stars Cynthia Nixon, and John Leguizamo as the lecherous husband, which is the role that John Leguizamo was born to play. The trailer [via Videogum], after the jump.

Lohan Serious About Being Naked

Hamilton Nolan · 04/10/08 04:00PM

"Troubled Hollywood starlet Lindsay Lohan is planning to appear naked in an low-budget film in an effort to revive her flailing career, it has been claimed." That's called a sex tape, right? Whoa, hi-yo! So anyways. [Daily Mail]

Genius of Point Break Finally Recognized By Government

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/08 01:52PM

Who among us could not be a changed person after seeing the 1991 beach-based thriller Point Break? Patrick Swayze as the surf gang leader Bodhi; Gary Busey as the world-weary cop Pappas; and Keanu Reeves as Johnny Utah, trying to do whatever he imagined an actor's job to be. The movie became an instant classic, of a sort, in 1991. It took 12 more years before the inevitable stage version of the show, "Point Break LIVE!," hit theatergoers like a surfboard to the face. And that show—in which an audience member is selected to play Johnny Utah each night, and "reads their entire script off cue cards in order to capture the rawness of a Keanu Reeves performance"—has put in five long years on stage before being awarded its own official day in a formal proclamation by San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom. As the immortal Bodhi said, "Goddamn! You are one radical son of a bitch [MAYOR NEWSOM]!" They should make it TWO days:

Frat House President

Ryan Tate · 04/08/08 12:46AM

Oliver Stone's George W. Bush biopic, W, is at times more like a Saturday Night Live skit than history, according to some Bush biographers who reviewed the script on behalf of the Hollywood Reporter. "It leaves with the impression that the White House is run as fraternity house with no reverence for hierarchy, the office itself or for the implications of policy," one said. What left that impression? Was it the part where Bush and his buddies locked Colin Powell out of a room as prank, or when Bush rearranges his presidential schedule based on what's on ESPN, or the scene where he practices a parachute landing in the White House pool?

Harold And Kumar Build Online Buzz Through Preview Clips

Hamilton Nolan · 04/07/08 02:39PM

Remember that delightful multicultural collegiate duo Harold & Kumar, whom we last saw being forever thwarted on their Sisyphean journey to procure White Castle burgers? Well they're back, the scamps, and this time they're trying to escape from Guantanamo Bay! You wouldn't be able to tell from this just-released trailer, though, since it features their interactions with a cyclops, rather than with the US military. Ah well, we're sure that it fits into the plot in a way we can scarcely imagine. If you so choose, you can watch the clip [via OhNoTheyDidnt] after the jump.

Blindness Teaser Trailer!

ian spiegelman · 04/06/08 10:23AM

Director Fernando Meirelles's (The Constant Gardener, City of God) film adaptation of Jose Saramago's scary-ass apocalypse novel Blindness is still in post-production, but this nifty teaser just hit the web. You remember Blindness, in which everyone in a whole city loses their site save one women, who suffers all sorts of horrible indignities because she won't ditch her loser husband and all the other useless walking lumps of meat who depend on her. I first thought it was a great novel. Then a very grizzled crime writer friend of mine dismissed it as "a fairy tale" and my opinion of it has never quite recovered. [AOL Video via Coudal]

Frosty Freeze Flashdances Into the Beyond

Hamilton Nolan · 04/04/08 09:23AM

Frosty Freeze, one of the world's most respected B-Boys, died yesterday at the age of 44 [NYT]. He was an early member of the world famous Rock Steady Crew. More importantly for white people, his dancing scenes in 1983's "Flashdance" helped to popularize break dancing to whites across the earth. He also appeared in the seminal hip hop films "Style Wars" and "Wild Style." Below, a clip of the break dancing scene from "Flashdance," and a clip of a b-boy battle from "Style Wars." The man was damn good at what he did, THAT'S FOR SURE.

Is George Clooney The Nemesis Of The Tabloid Economy?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/03/08 11:47AM

George Clooney has jokes. His latest celebrity-based antics: a swarm of paparazzi descended upon his house in Italy after a (false) rumor spread that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were going to be getting married there. Clooney, who was away working, heard about this, and ordered 15 large wedding tables to be set up on the house's lawn. The paps went crazy [Hollyscoop]! Clooney laughed. He's a funny guy. But there's more to this than just a friendly joke. Because George Clooney, one of the biggest celebrities in the world, doesn't just want to make himself chuckle; he wants to undermine the entire celebrity economy that gives him his lofty position in the first place.

Gattaca. Remember That?

Valerie Flame · 04/02/08 03:37PM

Who's had it better after the breakup? If you can't tell from the photo, our stalker and a delivery guy can explain it to you, after the jump.