
New Artisan Food Trend Sweeping San Francisco: MSG

Kevin Montgomery · 10/03/14 05:50PM

For years, the foodie "movement" was defined by its pretension: complicated cocktails were served in twee Mason jars, exotic spices topped affected dishes, and every trashy pastry was elevated into a delicacy. But that era's over. Now in San Francisco, the new leading exporter of obnoxiousness, there's a new king in the cupboard: monosodium glutamate.

Madison Square Garden Remains Unsafe for Journalists

Hamilton Nolan · 01/22/08 01:48PM

Back in November, the unfortunate beat reporters assigned to cover the Knicks poured their hearts out to the Observer about the "gulag" that was life on the "most demoralizing reporting gig in the city." The beat remains miserable. At last night's Knick loss (duh), Post reporter Marc Berman was "restrained" by security and had his press pass ripped off. His crime? Trying to interview ANOTHER guy who was getting kicked out at the same time, for "using the word 'ass'". Of course! This can be a case study for whoever the team decides to hire for the open PR position. Hey, at least Berman didn't get it as bad as this guy: