
Transit Strike Great for Your Nasty Internet Gambling Habit

DAULERIO · 12/21/05 08:00AM

New York City businesses forced to deal with another morning of transit strike-stranded staffers will be thrilled to know that yesterday, most of their employees "working from home" were making the most out of their time away from the office (and Websense). According to a sweet little press release we've received:

Remainders: MTA Minutae w/ a Dash of Braunstein

Jessica · 12/20/05 06:02PM

• Peter Braunstein and Robert Downey, Jr: Separated at birth? [A Big Fat Waste of Time]
• Want to help all those New York journalists who can't live on less that $250,000/year? We wouldn't bother with a fund drive when a bitchslap would suffice. [Romenesko]
• Ms. Subways prefers to remain neutral on strike issues. [Encyclopedia Hanasiana]
• How will the transit strike affect your dealer? In theory, it won't, so long as he packs four peeps into his Escalade during the proper hours. [Cocaine Corner]
• If you're going to be stuck at home for a few days, why not back some Gucci muffins? Or Gangsta muffins? Hell, they could even be Gina muffins... Yeah, we're reaching here. [CG]
• Or you could be less domestic and just scream via the internets. [1010wins]
• And, just to end the day with a big, helpless sigh, this might be the most disheartening NYC traffic report we've ever seen. []

The Real Cost of the MTA Strike

Jessica · 12/20/05 03:00PM

As we work from home, we felt that it wasn't right to bitch about the strike beyond our cursory aggregation of rants. But hearts genuinely go out to each and every person who exposed their adorable face to the incredible, blistering cold and dutifuly showed up at the office sporting snot-cicles. You're the strong ones, and we're spoiled pussies. Thus we believed we had no business truly complaining.

Strikes, and Balls

Jesse · 12/20/05 02:45PM

A blogebrity too shy to publish this on his own site passes along a strike-specific advertising message from a website of which he's apparently a member. (Long ago, he assures us. Accidentally! Just to see! Really!)

MTA Strike: Investigative Reporting, Craigslist Style

Jesse · 12/20/05 01:20PM

Oddly enough, not everyone on Craigslist today is using it to search for strike sex. Some are using it, instead, to make political points. Like in this terse message, posted late this morning:

MTA Strike: Here Come the Souvenirs

Jesse · 12/20/05 12:29PM

The strike started a little after 3 o'clock this morning, and, frankly, we're a little disappointed it took nearly eight hours for the first email to arrive flacked some oh-so-clever transit-strike memorabilia. Here's the first t-shirt you might be interested in:

Gawker Poll: Life in the Strike Zone

Jesse · 12/20/05 11:40AM

We know today is a sucky one for everybody, but, truth is, it doesn't really affect us at all. (We never leave our houses during the workday, anyway.) But what about you? How's your strike day shaping up?

TWU Members Give Up on Mastering PA, Turn to Blogging

Jesse · 12/20/05 11:25AM

We've been meaning all morning to take a good look at the TWU's strikeblog — and, more interestingly, the 300-odd kvetchy comments that have been posted so far this morning — but we haven't been able to motivate to sit and read 300-odd kvetchy comments. (Mostly because poking ourselves repeatedly in the eye with a dull pencil sounds more fun.) Yet one more reason to love the Observer's Ben Smith, however, is that he did it for us. Some comments highlights from The Transit Worker, as excepted by The Politicker:

Shared Cab Rides Not Necessarily Violent

Jessica · 12/20/05 10:07AM

Because non-blogging blog publishers are free to dick around with "real life" all day, Jossip publisher David Hauslaib hit 9th Avenue at 8am to try and hail a cab:

Iran Permits No Transit Strikes, or Peaceful, Easy Feelings

Jesse · 12/20/05 09:11AM

Days like today remind you of the advantages of living under a totalitarian regime. When no one has the right to free speech, or to assembly, or to association, or to control his own labor, at least the trains always run more or less on time. (In Soviet Moscow, the subways arrived every 90 seconds! Or something like that.)

Everyman Speaks Out on the MTA Strike

Jessica · 12/20/05 09:06AM

We know you're annoyed at the transit strike, but what, we wonder, do the common, late-night Craigslist trolls think of the situation?

When All Else Fails, at Least There's Free Coffee

Jesse · 12/20/05 08:39AM

While it's hard to think of any silver linings today, at there's this. Apparently it's much easier than usual today for Brooklynites to get a free cup of coffee. Two emails we received this morning report amenities for both Heights bobos and 'Burg hipsters:

Welcome to the Suck: MTA Strike Is On

Jessica · 12/20/05 07:35AM

At about 3 AM last night, the Transportation Workers Union officially began their strike against the MTA, shutting down the city's subways and bus lines and transforming New York from a functioning metropolis to a dripping shitbag of inconvenience. Or, for those of you who don't have to trek into the office: SNOWDAY!