
Outrage-Off: Glenn Beck vs. Wesley Pruden

Hamilton Nolan · 11/17/09 11:58AM

Lib bigots and Muslims are sending America to hell. The only thing that can save us is the one-upmanship of right wing psychos competing to say the most outrageously xenophobic thing. Today's contenders: a television crazy, and a newspaper crazy.

Facebook Proves People Are All Alike (Dumb)

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/08 09:27AM

Islam people: they're just like us! They go on Facebook and start groups and then spend hours and hours arguing with each other over bullshit. Except they're arguing about, like, god, instead of The Hills or whatever. You thought that the battle for Arab hearts and minds was playing out in the slums of Iraq? No, it's all about some upper middle class grad student nerd in Egypt talking shit online!

Stupid Netherlands Turns Xenophobic Cartoonist Into Hero

Hamilton Nolan · 07/14/08 10:52AM

Here's where we play Goofus & Gallant, European nations edition. Gallant Denmark stood up in favor of the rights of publishers when those stupid, mediocre cartoons about the prophet Muhammed caused worldwide outrage and riots a couple years back. Goofus Netherlands, on the other hand, recently threw a cartoonist in jail for drawing cartoons that might be offensive to Muslims. By all accounts the cartoonist, "Gregorius Nekschot," is offensive to Muslims. That makes his arrest no less phenomenally stupid.

Enough With The Goddamn Cartoons

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/08 08:20AM

Evil terrorist and fashion icon Osama Bin Laden is just like some slow, cranky old man: sitting around the cave, reading the newspaper, complaining about the funny pages. The world's most wanted criminal released another audio tape yesterday, specifically to condemn those stupid fucking Danish Muhammad cartoons, and threaten Europe with a "severe reckoning." The main cartoon (which is for sale, and pictured) was reprinted last month in a show of solidarity with the cartoonist, who lives in safe houses because his life is in danger [WP]. Still! For the stupid half-funny cartoon! Enough already, Muslim extremists! "I have always been an atheist, and I dare say these events have only intensified my atheism," the cartoonist tells the New York Times. Smooth move, extremists: you're making him like god even less. Nice spiritual persuasion there. Below, the full page of mediocre cartoons, once again. Gosh.

Harvard Bows Five Times (And Once More To Be Safe) To Pressure From Muslim Students

Rebecca · 03/06/08 05:11PM

Um, after 9/11 things got so completely awkward with Muslims. I mean, I'm not racist or anything like that at all. I love all religions. And if I saw a creepy Muslim on a plane and he kept going to the bathroom and praying, I would never even think "terrorist." God, I hope not. And by God, I'm not referring to any Judeo-Christian conception of an omniscient being, more like a general higher power that may or may not exist in possibly multiple forms. So, I'm totally with Harvard for banning men from their gym six times a week to accommodate female Muslims whose religion forbids them from exercising in front of the opposite sex. This country is all about making special adjustments to minority interest groups, not demanding that they adjust to our liberal status quo. And that's what makes me so proud to be an American. [Boston Herald]