
Top Five Most Cringeworthy Facial Hair Moments In Cinematic History

Molly Friedman · 05/13/08 06:15PM

We didn’t think it was possible, but the insanely dateable John Krasinski is not looking so hot these days. Due to an upcoming role in the Sam Mendes-directed Farlanders, John is sporting a nasty beard that resembles something one of the Geico cavemen would wear. And while we’d never judge an actor for tossing out their razors for months for the sake of their craft, this terrible beard inspired us to take a look back at the most cringeworthy facial hair in cinematic history. From one actor’s frizzy salt-and-pepper rat's nest to one mustache’s journey inside another man’s taint, our top five lie after the jump:

Is McLovin In Danger Of Becoming The Next Pedro?

Mark Graham · 02/05/08 08:40PM

When Napoleon Dynamite exploded into the pop culture universe back in the summer of 2004, more people than we care to remember walked around sporting "Vote For Pedro" t-shirts. In the wake of that film's inexplicable success, Jon Heder went back to work (albeit mostly unmemorably) while Efren Ramirez, better known as Pedro, seemed content just to ride the wave of popularity that the film provided him. During the next year, there was nary a public function that Ramirez DIDN'T show up to, nor was there a photo opp that went by without him sporting a goofy grin and his "Vote For Pedro" shirt (including the Academy Awards!). Why do we bring this up? Because we fear the very same thing is about to happen to McLovin.

This Tastes Like The Cow Got Into An Onion Patch

mark · 08/12/05 11:02AM

It seems like only yesterday that crazed fans at Sundance were shouting "I want to have your baby" to Napoleon Dynamite's Jon Heder. Now we can only picture him responding by handing his fans coupons for 15% off a delicious Double Fudge Cookie Dough Blizzard® at participating Dairy Queen locations, then half-heartedly mumbling something about how ligers are the only creatures that can handle the new, "more intense" fudge.