Scenes From Today's Martin Luther King Memorial Dedication
Lauri Apple · 10/16/11 04:39PMMaybe Appalachian Babies Have Birth Defects Because of Inbreeding, Lawyers Suggest
Lauri Apple · 10/08/11 05:16PM
Four lawyers face an ethics complaint after helpfully pointing out that a study of mountaintop mining and birth defects in Appalachia "failed to account for consanquinity [sic], one of the most prominent sources of birth defects." In non-legalese: maybe those babies have defects because of how hillbillies like to screw within the family all the time.
Awful Looking Nic Cage Remake May Find an Audience After All!
Natasha VC · 07/29/09 07:50PMNational Board of Review Makes 'Slumdog' 1-For-1 in Best Picture Race
STV · 12/04/08 03:28PM
Our ongoing Pop Culture Doomsday stroked the infant cheek of awards season this morning when the hooded, cloaked cultists at National Board of Review anointed Slumdog Millionaire as their Best Picture pick for 2008. It's just the latest setback today for Paramount, which, with one notable exception, will chase the bitter aftertaste of rolling layoffs with an ice-cold glass of Button-Snub Ultra.
Time to Blame the Media: Suicide at 'Miami Herald'
Jessica · 07/28/05 07:52AM
A little off our "beat," but pertinent nevertheless: Late yesterday afternoon, suspended Miami Commissioner Art Teele walked into the lobby of the Miami Herald and committed suicide. After instructing a security guard give a message to Jim DeFede (asking the columnist to tell Teele's wife that he loved her), Teele pulled a pistol from his bag and shot himself in the head. Later that night, Jim DeFede was fired from the Herald after he told superiors that he had recorded a phone conversation with Teele without Teele's permission. Interestingly enough, however, it was Miami New Times reporter Francisco Alvarado who wrote the following introduction to a front-page story on Wednesday: