The White House Correspondents Dinner Will Not Be Cheapened (More)
Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/15 09:41AMTom Scocca · 05/05/14 04:20PM
Fuck the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner
Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/12 11:33AMTomorrow evening, the cream of our nation’s mainstream media celebrities, political celebrities, and celebrity celebrities will put on tuxedos and evening gowns and gather in a ballroom in Washington, DC to mutually give one another handjobs, in a mostly metaphorical sense. This is because the most powerful elements of our nation’s DC press corps are all “on the same team” as the people they cover (politicians) and the people they idolize (celebrities). This is called the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner, and it is the single most revolting annual gathering of pseudojournalistic cocksuckery in all the land.