Self-Important Higher-ups Now Charging Underlings for Networking Chats
Dayna Evans · 06/23/14 04:35PM
The NY Post reported this week that money-hungry professionals are starting to reject advice meetings with under-experienced subordinates unless they're paid for their time. Keep in mind that these people likely had meetings with their superiors when they were starting out, and that advice was probably free.
How David Carr Became the Daddy of Girls
John Koblin · 03/18/13 10:04AM
Three years ago, New York Times media reporter and occult career-bender David Carr was taking a tour through South by Southwest and asked the festival's film person what movie he should see. She tipped him off to a movie called Tiny Furniture and he fell in love. He gave the movie and its creator/star, a 23-year-old woman named Lena Dunham, 1,000 words in the Times.
Abigail Breslin Politely Endures Shameless Shmoozing Of Actors Twice Her Age
Mark Graham · 04/29/08 07:25PMUnless you're a fan of both mixed martial arts and directors who employ frenetic quick cuts as a means to hide razor-thin plots, you've probably never heard of Sean Faris, the 28-year-old star of this spring's Never Back Down. Seems as if Sean is conscious of this fact and, like any other enterprising young actor trying to make a name in Hollywood, he's actively taking steps to change that. You know, get out on the town, do a little presenter work at the Young Hollywood Awards, network a little. However, all of his good intentions went astray at the end of the evening when he made the all too common mistake on hitting on one of the other presenters. Usually, this would be a "no harm / no foul" kind of situation; however, in this instance, the presenter he was hitting on was 12-year-old Abigail Breslin and the incident was captured by the all-seeing, all-knowing eye of Harvey Levin.
British People Doesn't Understand How American People Work
Rebecca · 02/24/08 07:52AM
The English are so smart. Not only do they have those great accents, but they ask the pressing questions, like, "Does J-Lo REALLY need to sell pictures of her twins for $6 million?" Why, Goddamn, I was just going to make a joke about the cannibalistic nature of celebrity culture. But now that I think that about it, maybe J. Lo doesn't actually REALLY need those six million dollars.
Megan McCarthy · 07/23/07 04:41PM
SVUG #3: Which social network will get me a job?
Paul Boutin · 12/06/06 12:49PM
You're ready to graduate from your grunt gig to something bigger - product management, software architecture, professional services. Maybe a director-level spot for $150K plus 1% of shares outstanding. It's time to log off and set yourself up on linkedIn. But first, don't get yourself fired.
Linkslut lifestyle: the pickup artists of networking
Nick Douglas · 06/16/06 12:26PM
Spend too much time in the world of superlinked social site users, and they start to look like the seedy pickup artists in last year's book The Game. There's the same sense of social norms being twisted into Machiavellian tools. Like pickup artists, superlinkers have their own language, tactics, and a dubious micro-industry.
Remainders: Daily Candy tastes like flipmeat
ndouglas · 02/16/06 02:46AM
Another online media company's for sale. "Daily Candy could fetch more than $100 million, people familiar with the matter say." But Chris Coulter asks, "WHAT? More Pittmanish Accounting. Like who greps faux 'urbane email newsletters' anymore..." [WSJ]
Suggested World of Warcraft nicknames other than "the new golf:" "the new eavesdropping at Buck's," "the new schmoozing at launch parties," or "the new overzealous mountain-biking." [PC Mag, CNet]
"Googlepark: The Spaghetti Code" does up Google, Microsoft, Vint Cerf and Scoble all South Park style. Scares the hell out of me. [Channel9]
Podbridge, another startup, plans to fill podcasts with ads. The CEO says, "As a user, you notice nothing." Except, you know, THE ADVERTISEMENT. Or, hell, maybe the user doesn't notice the ad, which makes for one odd business plan. [SiliconBeat]
Google's "call the advertiser" feature starts a trend more insidious than clickfraud: bored kids crank-calling Adwords buyers. [Om Malik]