
Forty Alleged Victims and Counting in New England Prep School Sex Abuse Scandal  

Allie Jones · 01/21/16 12:20PM

A tony New England prep school that has educated the likes of Howard Dean, George H.W. Bush’s father Prescott Bush, and Tucker Carlson is now embroiled in a sex abuse scandal that has been covered up, victims say, since the 1970s. At least 40 former students of St. George’s School in Rhode Island have come forward to say they were abused at the school. The latest known case of abuse allegedly occurred in 2004.

We Closed the Subway for This? Everything to Know About NYC's Storm Bust

Aleksander Chan · 01/27/15 09:25AM

Well, well, well. New Yorkers lucked out last night and were spared the feared three feet of snow predicted to hit the city. Forecasts put our friends to the north and east as bearing the brunt of the storm, with 18 inches already recorded in Massachusetts—and plenty of snow still headed their way. Here's what you need to know today:

Tom Scocca · 10/13/14 01:51PM

Should Massachusetts secede from Eastern Time to get away from its soul-killing 4:11 p.m. sunsets? Yes, of course it should. As should New York.

Man Critically Injured Trying to Rescue a Stolen David Hasselhoff Ad

Camille Dodero · 08/20/13 07:04PM

For the second summer in a row, '80s relic David Hasselhoff has starred in a deliberately cheesy advertisement for Cumberland Farms' Farmhouse Blend iced coffee. Last summer, the kitsch-nostalgia campaign was so wildly successful that according to the Boston Globe, the 600-plus in-store cardboard cutouts and pole signs of the Hoff were all stolen, later making social-media cameos at weddings, concerts, and even in a canoe.

Why Aren't You Buying These Lighthouses Yet? Time Is Running Out

Cord Jefferson · 08/07/13 05:12PM

The minutes are ticking away, friend, and with them your chance to buy one of two New England lighthouses currently for sale and live in it, like an old retired sea captain or a pirate's ghost. What the hell are you waiting for?

Start Stockpiling Maple Syrup

Adrian Chen · 03/29/12 09:18AM

While we were all frolicking, naked, in our kiddie pools during last week's crazy heat wave, the nation's maple farmers were shedding tears of sweet sadness: This year's tropical temperatures are devastating maple production. For the love of all things breakfast: start stockpiling maple syrup.

New Hampshire Town Divided Over Renaming of 'Jew Pond'

Emma Carmichael · 03/13/12 09:38AM

There is a very rural New England debate raging in the small town of Mont Vernon, N.H. (pop. 2,400), this week, as residents prepare to vote over whether or not to change the name of a local, manmade body of water named "Jew Pond."

Nobody Smart Wants to Live in New England

Hamilton Nolan · 10/24/11 01:55PM

Well well well, quaint old New England is "reaching out" to its youth with a simple message: please, don't move away as soon as you get the chance. Sorry, "New" England. The youth are not about to be suckered into spending any more time there than absolutely necessary.

East Coast Introduces Second State You Can Get Gay Married In

Pareene · 11/12/08 03:59PM

Hurry up and get gay married in Connecticut right now before the voters ban it. Because today it's totally legal! Eight couples sued the state to allow the gay marriages, because Connecticut's civil union law was kinda-sorta unconstitutional, and they won! And today one of those couples, Barbara and Robin Levine-Ritterman, filled out the gay marriage paperwork that will destroy forever your traditional marriage paperwork. So hey, you lose some, you win some, right? You still got Massachusetts too! What lovely places for gay marriages! California can go to hell. New England's like Lesbian Vegas right now. [NYT]