Google announced Monday that it’s now part of a new umbrella company called Alphabet, which will separate its core internet businesses (still called Google) from Google execs’ various side projects (like trying to live forever, building self-driving cars controlling everything in your home).
MIT's student bloggers are grade-A. They write about everything. And the school loves them for it. But not all of America's schools are so keen on handing over the virtual reins. They should, though, because this internet thing's wild.
Is there anything Barack Obama can't do? Not according to rapper Common, who credits the President with sending hip-hop off into a more cuddly, less bling-centric direction. And now peace reigns for all.
Some people claim that Facebook makes you easy prey for criminals, good-for-nothings and other unseemly characters. But that's not always true. Sometimes the site helps put people behind bars, as it did this week.
Need an excuse to eschew the so-called Facebook exodus? Well, here's one: the site makes you smart! Twitter, meanwhile, turns you into an aggressive, drooling knuckle-dragger.
There comes a time when our virtual idols, like Facebook, take on a God-like quality. Such is the case in two separate, but ultimately connected, incidents. One saved lives. The other destroyed one.