AT&T, Apple scrap iPhone revenue-sharing deal
Owen Thomas · 06/09/08 05:00PM
Apple is known for innovating in gadgetry. But in business models? AT&T has announced that it and Apple have tossed aside last year's agreement to share revenues on the iPhone. Apple now gets paid upfront, with AT&T selling iPhones at a loss to attract subscribers. The 3G data plan, at $30 a month, is $10 more than the previouse rate — and because AT&T's not sharing that revenue with Apple, AT&T will be making $18 more a month from subscribers, according to estimates of Apple's previous take. AT&T described the deal as "consistent with traditional equipment manufacturer-carrier arrangements." So much for remaking the telecom world. Steve Jobs may have wowed the crowd at the Worldwide Developers Conference with the iPhone's new features. But as far as AT&T is concerned, Apple's nothing special.