
Bill Clinton's Day, Encapsulized

Pareene · 01/20/09 03:15PM

Poor Bill Clinton. Everything he says and does is picked over for proof of raging ego, jealousy, resentment, and general craziness. Of course, sometimes he delivers!

Number 8

Nick Douglas · 05/01/08 05:48PM

"The DVD that is always #8 in your Netflix queue. Ex.: 'An Inconvenient Truth been my #8 since it won the Oscar.'" — Scott Simpson

New Words Totally Informed by Blogging

Sheila · 02/18/08 12:20PM

The Sydney Morning Herald provides a rundown of new words that have entered the lexicon. Sadly, many have to do with blogging. There's "bloggerati" (influential people in the blogging world, natch), and "bullycide" (suicide caused by bullying, like the Myspace suicide incident). They also list a bunch of cluelessly old words like "tanorexic" and "carbon footprint" and "homeland security" and "vegansexual." Maybe the brave new lexicon takes a little longer to travel all the way to Australia? We'd like to suggest a few of our own:

Please Refer to Me as "Yo" From Now On

Sheila · 01/07/08 02:41PM

You know all those trannies that are "in transition" that like to be called "ze" instead of he or she or whatever? Have you ever typed out "s/he"? Remember all the "womyn" you communed with at college? And obviously "hir," the politically-correct catchall for both "him" and "her," "reek[s] of east-coast liberal elitism." (Does it?) Therefore! The new gender-neutral pronoun is....YO. As in, "Yo was flirting with my boyfriend," instead of "She was flirting with my boyfriend," or the even more popular, "That bitch was flirting with my boyfriend."