
Giving the Elephant a Pink Manicure: A Night Out With Mindy Meyer, the Internet's Candidate for Senate

Camille Dodero · 10/17/12 05:23PM

On Monday night, Mindy Meyer, the 22-year-old New York state senate candidate with a very pink website, hosted her first political fundraiser at Long Island's expansive Inwood Country Club. "It's a pink tie affair!" cried the conservative campaign's invitation to the $500-a-plate dinner a few weeks back. "Come rub elbowes [sic] with politicians and members of the press." By last Thursday, though, Mindy's Twitter account offered a kind of clearance special: $150 for dinner and a "mind blowing surprise!"

Albany Focuses on the Important Stuff

cityfile · 03/10/09 03:53PM

Sure, Ed Skyler did a heroic deed last week tackling that would-be thief who tried to run off with a woman's cell phone. (Actually, it turns out it was a BlackBerry, not a cell phone, not that it really matters.) But does the New York State Senate not have more important things to attend to than to pass a resolution honoring Skyler for his "consummate courage and bravery while confronting a mugger in midtown Manhattan"? Apparently not! Be sure to read the resolution in its entirely to appreciate this waste of taxpayer dollars that would be sort of amusing if there weren't some slightly more important things to be thinking about right now. [NYDN]