Times Prints Hoax Anti-Kennedy Email From Famous Frog
Pareene · 12/22/08 04:21PMWho's Not to Blame for the Housing Bubble?
Owen Thomas · 12/22/08 03:03PMThere are so many gaudily fraudulent characters in the story of this country's mania for buying and selling homes — like Sam Leccima, the former Flip This House star who allegedly slapped "Sold" signs on unsold houses and didn't even have a real-estate license. A&E yanked his shows from the channel's lineup after charges that his house-flipping efforts were a hoax.
Parisians Not Too Interested in New York Politics, After All
cityfile · 12/22/08 02:09PM
You may have been surprised to open the Times today to see a letter to the editor by the mayor of Paris harshing on Caroline Kennedy's bid to take over Hillary Clinton's seat in the Senate. Why would the mayor of Paris, like, you know, care? He doesn't: "Earlier this morning, we posted a letter that carried the name of Bertrand Delanoë, the mayor of Paris, sharply criticizing Caroline Kennedy. This letter was a fake. It should not have been published." In a related story, officials on the Caribbean island of Monserrat have no particular opinion on whether Hiram Monseratte should give up his State Senate seat. [NYT]
Bill Kristol Contractual Obligation Watch
Pareene · 12/22/08 12:39PMRight-Wing Radio, Laura Bush's Memoir, Year-End Lists
cityfile · 12/22/08 10:08AM• Conservative radio is expecting a big boost once Obama takes office. Also, Fred Thompson, not Rudy Giuliani, will take over Bill O'Reilly's slot. [NYT]
• Publishers don't seem to be very interested in Laura Bush's memoir. [NYer]
• After a three-day blackout, China has unblocked the Times' website. [NYT]
• Is Chris Matthews running for office or sticking with NBC? [THR]
• The AP's list of top 10 news stories of 2008. [AP]
• Politico's list of the top 10 media blunders of 2008. [Politico]
• A list of the biggest media losers of 2008. [Business Sheet]
The Caroline Times File: Obsessing over How the NYT Covers Sulzberger's Close Friend
Ryan Tate · 12/22/08 07:23AMNo One Cares About Sex Scandals Any More
Ryan Tate · 12/21/08 06:20PMTimes City Room Will Not Mention Caroline Kennedy's Special Friendship With Pinch Sulzberger
Pareene · 12/21/08 03:14PMSiemens Forced to Pay Billions in Fees for Paying Billions in Bribes
Pareene · 12/21/08 01:49PMChina Blocks 'Times', Billions Now Unsure How Recession Affecting Alex Kuczynski
Pareene · 12/20/08 03:03PMTimes To Become First News Outlet to Put 'Opinions' on the 'Internet'
Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/08 02:31PMKennedy Hated for Bullying, Once-Chummy Times to Report
Ryan Tate · 12/17/08 08:57PMOnly Three Shopping Weeks Until the End of Bill Kristol's Times Contract
Pareene · 12/17/08 01:53PMCaroline Kennedy May Want to Reconsider This Senate Thing
Pareene · 12/16/08 01:20PMWhy the Hell Was Time Inc. Interviewing Angelina Jolie Over Email?
Ryan Tate · 12/13/08 02:00PMYour 2009 Times Salary Freeze Memo
Pareene · 12/12/08 03:27PMNow You're Just Trying to Piss Us Off
Sheila · 12/12/08 02:42PMTrend-Seeking New York Times Was Adding '-ista' To Words 130 Years Ago
Richard Lawson · 12/11/08 03:27PMMore Pain for Pecker, Regan's Fat Settlement
cityfile · 12/10/08 10:52AM♦ David Pecker's AMI, the publisher of the Star and National Enquirer, has been near bankruptcy for months. Now it's one step closer. [NYP]
♦ The details of Judith Regan's settlement with News Corp. have been revealed: It cost the company $10.75 million to make her go away. [Bloomberg]
♦ Janet Robinson says there are no plans to sell the Times. [E&P]
♦ A brief explanation for why newspapers are so screwed right now. [NYT, AP]
♦ An increasingly desperate OK! has cut the price of the mag. [NYP]
♦ The reorganization of Random House will likely leave Sonny Mehta the big winner. [NYO]
♦ Les Moonves on the state of network TV: "The model ain't broke." [THR]
♦ Gus Van Sant's Milk was named by the New York Film Critics Circle as the best film of 2008. [THR]