
Newark Cannot Overcome Ironic Violence

Hamilton Nolan · 08/22/11 04:29PM

The "Stop Shootin Music Toy Gun Exchange" today in crime-riddled Newark, New Jersey—which allowed kids to turn in toy guns in exchange for a nonviolent toy or book—went off without a hitch, except for the gunfire that erupted a few blocks away while the event was going on, thanks to a man "accidentally shooting and injuring himself."

New York's Airports Suck

Brian Moylan · 11/15/10 05:20PM

The number crunchers at The Daily Beast ranked the country's 27 largest airports, and the three that serve the New York metropolitan area all ranked near the bottom of the list. The worst airport in the country: It's Newark.

The Causes of Terrorism: Love

Richard Lawson · 01/07/10 01:50PM

Remember when that guy went through security the wrong way and Newark Airport had to shut down while everyone looked for him? Well, the dude was just going to give his lady a goodbye snog. No explodey, just kissy. [Reuters]

Blame the Talkative TSA Agent

cityfile · 01/06/10 11:51AM

Newark Airport turned into a mess on Sunday when an unidentified man strolled into an area reserved for screened passengers. The episode led to an evacuation of Terminal C and delayed thousands of travelers for hours. So how did the guy get past security personnel? The TSA guard at the exit was "chatting on his cell phone at the moment of the trespass." Naturally. [NYDN, NYDN]

Another Win for NYC

cityfile · 11/23/09 10:50AM

Not quite as many people are planning to travel over the long weekend. But don't assume that means you'll have an easier time leaving the city if you do plan on traveling. A new report indicates LaGuardia, JFK, and Newark Airports ranked as the three worst airports in the nation for on-time arrivals through the first nine months of the year. [NY1, AP]

Newark vs. Conan

cityfile · 09/29/09 02:46PM

If your name was accidentally added to a no-fly list at one point or another (and you had to spends months working through red tape to have it removed), or you're one of the six people alive who takes TSA security precautions seriously, you may not find this video very amusing. But it seems Conan O'Brien had the nerve to mock the lovely city of Newark on his show last week and now Mayor Cory Booker has retaliated by adding Conan to Newark Airport's no-fly list. Let's hope Conan doesn't try to board a flight there regardless, get into a pushing match with security personnel, and fall down and bump his head or anything. [YouTube]

Zagat Goes to Newark

cityfile · 11/04/08 06:24AM

Newark is getting a Zagat guide of its very own: It will be 16 pages long and include just 34 restaurants. At least now you'll know where to eat if you're carjacked on the way to the airport and the assailant asks you for some dining recommendations. [AP]

If You Lived In New Jersey, You Would Be Home By Now. In New Jersey

Hamilton Nolan · 08/24/08 08:00AM

Good morning, mysterious "weekend" readers! Where are you rising and shining from today? New York City? Kansas City? A garbage-strewn gutter somewhere in Mexico City, wondering what happened to your wallet and your dignity? Hey, at least you're not waking up in New Jersey, amirite? Zing. Apologies to those of you who are waking up in New Jersey. But not to fear: the reputation of postindustrial wastelands like Newark and Trenton is being revived. Not by reality itself, but by luxury real estate developers. Open your wallets! The Times examines how developers of luxury apartment buildings in Newark and Trenton are pushing their inventory. Answer: lots of lipstick for the pigs.

Depressing New Jersey News About Depressing New Jersey News

Pareene · 07/31/08 01:31PM

The Newark Star-Ledger, the biggest daily newspaper in all of New Jersey, is NEAR DEATH. If 225 workers don't accept buyouts like now, the Newhouses (specifically Si's brother Donald) will sell the paper along with the Trenton Times. The Star-Ledger will lose $30 million to $40 million this year, so it's a great buy! Soon Jersey residents will have to go back to getting all their news from Springsteen lyrics and Kevin Smith movies. This just in! They closed down the amusement park and also marijuana is quite popular. [NYP]

Corrupt Ex-Mayor Shat Upon By Bird Of Justice

Hamilton Nolan · 04/14/08 02:42PM

Sharpe James is the old-school corrupt machine politician who ran Newark as his own personal fiefdom as mayor for 20 years before being unseated by Cory Booker in 2006. James' overall distasteful nature was aptly chronicled in the documentary Street Fight. So anyways, there Sharpe was last Friday, standing on the curb after his daily corruption trial, waiting for the bus, and—bam!—a bird crapped on his head. And it's all caught on tape. Was that bird god? That's for god to know, and for us to speculate upon. The instantly classic video is after the jump—the big moment comes about 55 seconds in.