Huge PR Firm Concerned About Fox News' Bug Problem
Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/08 09:14AM
Fleishman-Hillard, one of the world's largest PR firms, seems pretty worried about that recent bedbug infestation at Fox News! Fleishman is sending out press releases for its client, Hot Shot insecticides, offering a free Hot Shot to anybody who's been a guest on Fox lately. So they don't bring the nasty Fox bugs back home! Funny thing is, most PR firms are painstakingly careful not to offend any media outlets, but here's a brave one that's willing to stand up and call Fox News—I'm really paraphrasing here—a den of dirty bloodsucking insects that has tainted anyone who set foot on its premises. Lots of people have said that before, but never a PR agency. Good show, Fleishman! Hope Fox doesn't get offended next time you're pitching them clients (such as Target, Motorola, Dow Chemical—email me for a longer list)! It's a good thing Fox News doesn't hold grudges, ha ha. Full pesticidal press release after the jump.