
Jon Stewart Mocks the Coverage of the Chilean Mine Rescue

Matt Cherette · 10/13/10 11:26PM

A few hours ago, the last of 33 miners was rescued from Chile's San Jose mine. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart said what we all were thinking regarding much of the media's hyperbolic coverage of the saga. Watch inside.

Jon Stewart Puts Another Nail in Carl Paladino's Coffin

Matt Cherette · 10/11/10 10:24PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart opened with a segment about the midterm elections. The focus of a portion of that segment was homophobic New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino, and Stewart didn't hold back when mocking Paladino's ridiculous hypocrisy. Video inside.

The Ladies of The View Blast "Evil" Carl Paladino

Matt Cherette · 10/11/10 01:53PM

Carl Paladino is currently "Under fire, child," (as Whoopi Goldberg said) for, well, being a homophobic idiot. On today's episode of The View, the ladies discussed Paladino's reprehensible anti-gay statements, and—in a first, really—they were all in agreement.

Is This Threat-Hurling Justin Bieber Fanatic the Next Jessi Slaughter?

Matt Cherette · 10/10/10 08:48PM

Meet Erik. Erik loves Justin Bieber, hates those who don't, and—in a quickly spreading online video—has threatened to ruin the lives of unrepentant non-Beliebers. Unfortunately for Erik, though, 4chan may have already turned the tables on him.

This Is How Amtrak Is Spending Your Money

Matt Cherette · 10/09/10 03:11PM

This afternoon, I went for a walk through Queens' Astoria Park. While there, I noticed an Amtrak cleaning car making its way down the Hell Gate Bridge tracks... and dropping baseball-sized stones onto the street/sidewalk below. Video and pictures inside.