
Jon Stewart: There's No Difference Between Republicans and Tea-Baggers

Matt Cherette · 09/20/10 10:27PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart discussed Christine O'Donnell and pointed out a) Karl Rove's criticism of her, and b) Rove's subsequent flip-flip on the issue after pressure from Sarah Palin/others. Then, Stewart blew holes in the "Republicans and Tea-Baggers are different!" argument.

Jon Stewart Announces the "Rally to Restore Sanity"

Matt Cherette · 09/16/10 10:27PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart made his long-awaited Daily Show announcement! *Drumroll* It's the "Rally to Restore Sanity," to be held on October 30 in Washington, DC. Inside, video of Stewart's hilarious—and meaningful—bombshell, including a rivalry-filled cameo from Stephen Colbert.

Jon Stewart on Christine O'Donnell: "The Palin Is Strong in This One"

Matt Cherette · 09/15/10 10:22PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart opined on last night's primary elections. Most notably, he discussed nutjob Christine O'Donnell's victory in the Delaware Senate primary—she's like Sarah Palin, but worse! Then, Stewart and panel hilariously broke it all down. Video inside.

Fox News' Latest Anti-"Mosque" Propaganda: The 9/11 Body Map

Matt Cherette · 09/10/10 04:13PM

This morning, Fox News jacked up its anti-"Ground Zero Mosque" propaganda by broadcasting a "map" that identified remains of 9/11 victims and their proximity to the proposed building site—all with a decidedly biased, fear-mongering tone. Video inside.

Jon Stewart: MSNBC Should Take Notes From Fox News

Matt Cherette · 09/09/10 10:31PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart noted President Obama's shift from bipartisan love machine to Republican-killing campaign shark, and—namely—the media's reaction to it. The verdict? MSNBC should emulate Fox News' skew-the-news-to-fit-our-narrative mantra, and Rick Sanchez is an effing idiot. Video inside.

Jon Stewart's Takedown of the "International Burn a Koran Day" Pastor

Matt Cherette · 09/09/10 12:46AM

Saturday marks the ninth anniversary of 9/11. And, for pastor Terry Jones down in Gainesville, Florida, it's also "International Burn a Koran Day." Tonight, Jon Stewart tore apart Jones' message, Republican lawmakers' hypocrisy, and—most importantly—Jones' mustache. Video inside.

Muslim Group Releases PSA, Promises Not to "Take Over This Country"

Matt Cherette · 08/31/10 03:04PM

Here's a PSA from Muslim organization My Faith My Voice, in which several Islamic Americans attempt—with a serious, non-ironic tone—to quell fears that they're out to impose their faith on others or "take over this country." Watch inside.