
Donald Trump's Totally Believable Excuse for Quitting His Own Debate

Jim Newell · 12/13/11 03:10PM

After every Republican presidential candidate except Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum dropped out of his debate, chronic mango-lacquered television ailment Donald Trump has decided to drop the whole thing. But "near-total lack of interest from the invitees," you won't be surprised to learn, is not the reason he gives. He is suddenly concerned about conflicts of interest, such as him running for president later on. Very reasonable. Hmm.

Bunch of Wackos Bid on Newsweek

Hamilton Nolan · 06/03/10 08:25AM

The bids are in for Newsweek! Who wants to be the next owner of this classic American magazine, now that the Washington Post Co. has acknowledged it will never make a penny? A diverse group of...interesting people.

Tim Russert, Another Posthumous Cover Star

Michael Weiss · 07/02/08 10:42AM

At left is the cover of the July issue of the conservative monthly magazine Newsmax. Notice anything collar-looseningly embarrassing about it? Not to worry! Despite featuring the late Tim Russert as the primus inter pares of electoral opinion-makers, Newsmax assures its readers that it had no choice but to run with the graphic as is because the book had already shipped by the time of the "Meet the Press" anchor's passing. Such are the pitfalls of old media publishing cycles. Though it doesn't mean he can't still be a good posthumous marketing tool: "In this Newsmax Special Report, 'The Power and the Glory,' we reveal the media talking heads - people like Russert - who are exerting tremendous influence this election year. Nobody exemplified this media power better than Russert." Fortunately, the press release ran on the Newsmax website, so altering the original clause -"Among the bigmouths who have hijacked our democracy" - was the work of a mere keystroke.