
Julia Allison Doesn't Live Here Anymore

Richard Lawson · 08/13/10 11:12AM

You guys. Did you know this was happening? One-time Gawker fixation and current bargain-bin micro-celeb Julia Allison — of website fame — has left New York City. Let's take a moment to reflect on the fameball that was.

Julia Allison's Clone Army

Ryan Tate · 08/27/09 02:42PM

Julia Allison wants to be a Web mogul. Foreman of a fameball factory. Oprah to a dozen young Dr. Phils. In short, she'd like to replicate herself. Ominously, for such grand ambitions, she's recruiting on Cragslist.

Did Julia Allison Break the Law in Search of Facebook Fame?

Owen Thomas · 04/24/09 02:22PM

Former dating columnist Julia Allison, an Internet microcelebrity now famous for not being particularly famous, has finally gone too far in her attempt to acquire Facebook fans. She may even have broken the law.

Julia Allison Loses One of Her Nontrepreneurs

Owen Thomas · 03/16/09 01:52PM

NonSociety, the attempt by unduly well-known dating columnist Julia Allison to blog for dollars, will soon be down to just two. Mary Rambin, her vapid handbag-designer gal pal, is quitting the startup.

Deblogging Julia

Owen Thomas · 02/17/09 05:59PM

An anonymous critic of microcelebrity egoblogger Julia Allison has been silenced, all in the name of "freedom of expression." Welcome to the wacky world of Tumblr, New York's pinchy-cheeked hypercute blogging startup.

Google Sees Right Through Julia Allison

Owen Thomas · 02/13/09 05:35PM

NonSociety, Julia Allison's experient in making macro bucks from microcelebrity, hasn't come up with a clever way of paying the bills. So she's running cheapo Google AdSense ads! Do they ever tell a story.