How to Cope With the Loss of GMail
Ryan Tate · 09/01/09 04:03PMThe New York Times Discovers Penis Pumps
Foster Kamer · 08/29/09 04:30PMWhat It's Like To Be Shot In The Head?
Foster Kamer · 08/29/09 02:15PMGet Your Subterranean Traffic Reports From Twitter
The Cajun Boy · 07/27/09 10:18PMRuth Madoff Coupon Clipping At California Pizza Kitchen
Foster Kamer · 07/11/09 11:30AMThe Day Of Free Slurpee Reckoning Is Upon Us
Foster Kamer · 07/11/09 10:15AMCops With Tasers: Good For Taking Down Fake Cougars, Children, Naked People
Foster Kamer · 05/16/09 10:45AMThe Art of the Non-Apology
Hamilton Nolan · 02/20/09 04:17PMGawker Advice: Public-Nuisance Tickets Explained
Sheila · 11/14/08 02:35PM
We received a letter from a young Williamsburger in a legal "pickle." (We know a little about that!) "About ten months ago, I got a ticket for riding my bike on the sidewalk outside of the Mckibbin lofts (yes, I used to live there). Later that weekend, i got a ticket for public urination about two blocks away, near the Brooklyn Life Cafe. Sometime that Sunday, I either threw the tickets out or lost was a bleary weekend, to say the least. So now, WTF do I do? Can I just show up to court and say, hey, I plead guilty for whatever you have me marked down there for in that little book? (and chances are, they've thrown out the charges.) Or, do I have a warrant [out for my arrest by now]!?" Read on to learn how to beat a ticket that you ignored. It's easier than you think!This guy just needs to call his local precinct and ask what he owes. There will be money penalties for ignoring/losing the tickets, but not jail time. The tickets that carry jail time for this kind of stuff if you ignore them don't demand money—they demand that you sit in court all day until a judge calls you and tells you to pay $20 for being a fucking idiot. The tickets most people get just get more and more expensive as long as you don't pay them. There's also this possibility, according to City Room:
How to Score a Literary Agent in 7 Easy Steps
Sheila · 10/23/08 10:24AM
People often ask me for media-world advice, assuming that I actually know the answer. Usually I don't, but sometimes I'm able to offer vague, skewed help based on personal experience. What came across the transom (OK, the Gchat) today? "Hey, how do I find a literary agent for my book project?" Well! The first step, of course, is the query letter...The second step is somebody leaking that query letter to a publishing blog or maybe the Observer or something. The third step is your Dad doing a Google search and not talking to you for several weeks. (Sorry, Dad!) Step four: Denial, bargaining. Step five: Ulcer & shrink time. Shrink asks me for advice on how to promote his book. Wants a mention here. Step six: OMG, a date just Googled you! Go back to step three. Step seven: "Fuck it." Freedom! Rinse & repeat. After that, my friends, it's smooth sailing ahead. See? It's easy. Don't be afraid to follow your dreams!
The Neighborhoods Of Post-Recession New York
Hamilton Nolan · 10/14/08 11:21AM
If NYC residents could hope for anything good to come out of this economic crisis, it would be this: the rollback of gentrification. The Observer is already writing trend stories on it, whether it happens or not! Are you worried about whether your current neighborhood will remain safe for yuppies once the economy tanks? Click through for our citywide, neighborhood-specific map showing the fate of post-recession NYC; you may not be pleased, hipsters: [The key: Purplish-pink for traditional strongholds of the rich that will remain unscathed. Red for core neighborhoods that are probably too gentrified now to roll back significantly. Pink for marginal hoods, where a recession could send gentrifiers fleeing. And grey for wilderness neighborhoods, where yuppies would fear to tread after The Poors and other non-glamorous types take them back for good.]
A Guide to Your Recession-Weekend Oblivion
Sheila · 10/10/08 02:44PMRe-Thinking Your Sarah Palin Halloween Costume
Sheila · 10/07/08 01:48PM
Everyone—even 6'5" dudes—is planning on being Sarah Palin for Halloween this year. We called up a Ricky's costume store, looking to see if they carried Palin costumes or at least had noticed an uptick in glasses-and-brunette-wig sales. "Who?" Sarah Palin. "Sarah... um, oh. No." But had the sales clerk noticed people buying more brown wigs and glasses? "Well, we got Obama masks, John McCain masks, Bill Clinton masks." But don't just throw on a wig and glasses—there are so many angles on dressing up as Sarah!The Definitive Palin: Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live. Do not attempt this.
The Sweaty Gatecrashing 'Producer' is Back in Town!
Sheila · 10/01/08 03:05PM
Who's Priyantha Silva? Funny you should ask. He first appeared in 2006, described as a "drunken leech who feeds off of Manhattan's more exclusive social scene. As a semi-professional gatecrasher, he poses as Conde Nast editors, claims to be a producer, and like a true ass, pulls the 'do you know who I am' routine at doors." Ruh-roh: we got a tip from a lady—as is often the case with our favorite outlandish cads—saying she met Silva at a recent film festival and was saved from his clutches by doing some pre-emptive Googling. How's the game going for the tax-evading, reporter-threatening con artist that Conde Nast once had to pull an investigation on?
Pyongyang: "The Alcatraz Of Fun"
Dashiell Bennett · 09/13/08 02:11PM
Earlier this week, Gawker explained how to infiltrate the magical fairy tale world of North Korea. (Hint: It's inside the wardrobe.) It turns out that this post was so service-y that an impressionable young college student immediately went out and did it! (Why else would he go there?) He even filed his report already for the Washington Post and guess what? North Korea is ... awesome!Yale senior Jerry Guo actually rode into town on the backs of some Chinese tourists and they all had a blast. Instead of goose stepping soldiers, they find a casino! Black market shopping! A statue of Kim Il Sung that everyone—including non-citizens—have to genuflect to! Their hotel is on an island known as the "Alcatraz of Fun." What's not to love? Sure, no one has seen the Dear Leader in weeks or has any idea if he's even awake. And yes, Jerry did get detained by the secret police for six hours and was also placed under surveillance simply for taking a picture, but you seriously have to see this place!
How To Grow Microcelebrities In The Comfort Of Your Own Second-Tier City!
Moe · 08/25/08 07:07PM
Do you live in one of those "second-tier" cities that seems woefully bereft of despicable and/or overprivileged and whatever the case self-promoting social climbing youngs? Ever find yourself reading, say, a blog…and feeling just a twinge or a pang or whatever of envy for New York's thriving industry of microcelebrity manufacture? [JUST SAY NO.] But Kate Carraway, a writer in Toronto reflecting on that lofty matter of Jessica Roy, actually claims she does. "We have no Julia Allison, the current Wired cover star, and centre of much debate on media celebrity; no Sloane Crossley…" [sic] she laments. Nor do they have a Keith Gessen nor an Emily Gould nor even much, like, blow! "The NY media circus is ordered and replenished by an anxious, aggressive, semi-twisted sense of value, but value nonetheless," she writes, calling for "a collective pursuit of something better and more worthwhile." Well, Kate Carraway, if this is what you deem "better and more worthwhile," allow me to get service-y with you for a minute and and share with you an abridged and hastily-told tale of a group of anxious, semi-twisted twentysomethings who tried to do exactly what you aspire to do in their own "lesser" city.
FBI to Internet: "Hey, Do Any of These Priceless Stolen Paintings Look Familiar To You Guys?"
Sheila · 08/20/08 05:03PM
When patron of the arts William Kingsland died in 2006, he left a big stack of paintings behind. Guess what, some of them were stolen back in the 60s, Animal New York tells us. Now the FBI is—wait for it—crowdsourcing its investigation of the paintings' origins. They put photos of the paintings on their website. After the jump: do you recognize any of these paintings? Plz halp! Luv, FBI.
Frequently Asked Questions About Barack Obama
Pareene · 07/17/08 02:38PM
Recently, we explained how to make fun of Barack Obama. We thought that would be the end of it! But no, you people-you animals-have more questions, so many more questions. Questions we're obligated to answer. Don't thank us, we're just doing our job. Below: snappy answers to stupid questions about Barack Obama.
How to Make Fun of Barack Obama
Pareene · 07/16/08 12:39PM
Poor Maureen Dowd doesn't know how to make fun of Barack Obama. It's actually pretty easy! Everyone misses Bill Clinton because he enjoyed extramarital sex with interns and oddly unattractive women, he had a southern accent, and he was kind of chubby. Everyone will miss George W. Bush because he's stupid. Those traits are so, so easy to mock! But the problem is jokes about those traits were and are and always have been terrible. Have another Big Mac, Bubba! Then put a cigar in someone's vagina! Hey George Bush you look like a chimp! And, like a chimp, your grasp of complex concepts like grammar is often lacking! Jesus. Stop already. Obama's a godsend, because he lacks those easy buttons. So everyone has to be more creative with their humor. Allow us to help you!