
Searching 'Star' For Candace Trunzo

Emily · 04/19/07 09:59AM

What's conspicuously missing from this week's Star magazine? Sure, you could make a case for "anything remotely interesting"—that "Brad and Angie might not be together forever" cover really must represent a new low—but we're actually talking about the magazine's Editor's Letter. It's gone! Why? Was it that a bunch of readers picked up last week's issue, read new ed-in-chief Candace Trunzo's enthusiastic endorsement of some celebrities' "smooches and seaside frolics," and thought "Ewww, Mom! We don't talk about that stuff!" That's our guess. That or something to have to do with the layout. Anyway, we'll be anxiously waiting to see whether Candace and her scarf return next Wednesday.

Earlier: You Suck, Trunzo! Bring Back Dolce!