
Pat Robertson Says Alzheimer's Is Grounds for Divorce

Jeff Neumann · 09/15/11 05:57AM

Today in Some Crazy Person Asked Pat Robertson for Advice, we learn that the firebrand cleric doesn't merely dislike Alzheimer's — "I hate Alzheimer's," he says — but he thinks it's totally cool for you to divorce your spouse over it. A man wrote to Pat seeking advice for his friend, whose wife has Alzheimer's and no longer recognizes him. Pat's response, from Tuesday's 700 Club:

Goodbye, Glenn

John Cook · 06/29/11 10:46PM

Tomorrow is the final broadcast of the Glenn Beck show on Fox News. To mark the occasion, Media Matters has put together a mesmerizing 10-minute highlight reel of Beck's most terrifying and hallucinatory moments: "Requiem for a Rodeo Clown." It is truly artful. He will be missed.