
Jim Cramer, The New York Times & Romance Novels

cityfile · 04/08/09 11:58AM

• To celebrate 1,000 episodes (and 35,892 sound effects), CNBC's resident buffoon, Jim Cramer, rang the opening bell of the NYSE today. [CNBC]
• Sales of romance novels are on the rise, since in times like these, we all just want to indulge in happy endings. Or something along those lines. [NYT]
• Why is the New York Times Co. frantically looking to cut costs at the Boston Globe? For one thing, it's on track to lose $85 million in 2009. [NYO, Portfolio]
• It's hard getting people to pay for newspaper content they now get for free. Let Coke guide you, Arthur Sulzberger Jr.: "Coca-Cola took tap water, filtered it and called it Dasani, and makes millions of dollars a year." [NYT]
• Magazines are blurring the line between editorial and advertising by putting ads on the cover. If they don't, they go bust. Rock, meet hard place. [NYT]

Omg, WTF Did Hipster Power Child Cory Kennedy Do at Art Basel?

Sheila · 12/13/08 05:00PM

Some people just make us hate art and Nylon mag, even though we usually like them for their downtown oh-so-cool fashion cred. What do we learn about Art Basel through Kennedy's eyes? Well, we go to Walgreens, see a band, get bored, and begin to question the existence and point of Internet video content. Is it really worth it?

Downtown Fashion Mag Nylon Not Folding

Sheila · 11/14/08 01:13PM

Finally, some good news after months of Black Fridays for magazine foldings: downtown fashion mag Nylon will survive! Despite the rumors that they were closing, they assure us that they are soldiering on, says Mariana Lee in communications: "The speculation that has been posted on the internet is completely false. NYLON Magazine is not folding, and is actually doing very well." Even though we've teased them relentlessly—and wondered why Nylon Guys even exists—we'd be sad to see them go. (Where would we find the newest luxury denim and silly It Girl Peaches Geldof news?) Here's the rest of the statement:The rumors were sparked by WWD's incredibly grim picture of fashion advertising. But! Says Nylon: "Total print revenue in 2008 is up 10% from last year, and our online revenue is up 469%. Nylon Guys is doing exceptionally well, and is expanding from a quarterly and will be published 6x a year starting 2009." More here.

Bitchy Brits Nail Nylon's Audience

Sheila · 10/24/08 11:47AM

What were we saying yesterday about all the really good insults coming from Brits? London's Guardian on [downtown fashion magazine] Nylon magazine: their "target market is evidently every jaded, self-regarding New York hipster who thinks they're part of a movement, as opposed to the sort of people with whom you could only bear to have a conversation if speedballs were provided." Them, and lonelygirls in Osaka and Ohio. [Guardian]

We Want To See the Unedited Version of Peaches Geldof's First Nylon Column

Sheila · 10/22/08 12:58PM

To answer someone's question of "and who praytell is Peaches Geldof?" It's "she is the latest It Girl foisted upon us, and we hate to snowball her semi-fame into a larger fameball by covering her, but the newshole is only so big, and we gotta write something." And also: "daughter of washed-up Irish rocker Bob" and the late Paula Yates. As we said, she's 19 and a little cokey and just moved here from London with her new husband to write/model at downton fashion mag Nylon, which we are sure pays very well! She's written her first column! And it is poetic. It's about the sunset and the Williamsburg bridge and how it feels when you're taking a cab over the bridge at night. New York is a magical place—and teen British expats understand this perhaps more poignantly than us cynics.

Klonopin Drug of Choice at Nylon, According to Power Children

Sheila · 10/09/08 09:43AM

Earlier, we called for Brit teen socialite-cokehead and It Child Peaches Geldof's firing, deeming her a menace to society. And then there's her friend, Internet phenomenon Cory Kennedy, famous for, um, being an "Internet It Girl" and dating that Cobrasnake dude? Anyway, when they are not "writing" and "modeling" for Nylon, Peaches is spilling the beans on what drugs certain co-workers at the downtown fashion mag—who might actually have to work!—are usin'.

Fire Peaches Geldof

Sheila · 10/03/08 11:37AM

Peaches Honeyblossom Michelle Charlotte Angel Vanessa Gedolf (her real name), NYC's latest teen-celebrity cokehead, is not doing so well in her glamorous media job. Imported from Britain, she's attending NYU (Olsen-twin style), and living in Williamsburg with her new musician husband. She "works" for It mag Nylon sometimes, but right now she's annoying MTV. She's Just Like Us: she's a pain in the ass at work and her bosses dislike her:Reports the Sun:

'Nylon Guys' Magazine: Why?

Emily Gould · 09/17/07 10:40AM

Passing the newsstand, we wondered, not for the first time, what is up with Nylon Guys magazine? Launched late last summer, the quarterly supplement to Nylon "disinfected, unfunny Vice" magazine still somehow exists. How? Why? And, maybe most importantly, for whom? The tagline is "Not for Girls." Okay so... who is wanting to read a pink-logoed magazine whose coverline asks, "Is Jason Schwartzman The Coolest Guy in Hollywood?" The best answer we can come up with is: aspiring heterosexuals.