
Landmark Theaters Invites You To Bring Your Child To See Nymphomaniac

Rich Juzwiak · 03/19/14 03:34PM

Have a kid but want to see Shia LeBeouf's erection on a giant screen? No problem! New York's Landmark Sunshine theater invites to you bring your baby to its "Rattle & Reel" screening of Lars von Trier's instantly infamous (and surprisingly funny) Nymphomaniac Volume I next week. Don't miss this opportunity to show your baby how babies are made.

Shia LaBeouf Has Something Important to Say

Jordan Sargent · 02/09/14 02:54PM

That is Shia LaBeouf at the German permiere of Lars von Trier's new film Nymphomaniac wearing a brown bag over his head that says "I AM NOT FAMOUS ANYMORE," a slogan he debuted on Twitter about a month ago. There is also a bar code at the top right corner of the bag, because being a multimillionaire actor makes you feel like a product or whatever.

Shia LaBeouf's Still Got It, Storms Out of Press Conference

Luke O'Neil · 02/09/14 01:15PM

Churlish performance art major and bar-fighting Shakespearean Antonio Shia LaBeouf has once again dazzled the world with his ability to feel things more deeply than the rest of us. During a press conference for Lars von Trier's Nymphomaniac, (inexplicably still not out in theaters yet), a film in which he was forced to act against his wishes, in a career he did not choose of his own volition, the actor answered one question, then walked off the stage. Where? Into a volcano maybe.