Remember the Hipster Cop?
J.K. Trotter · 09/17/13 11:24AMNYPD Shoots Two Bystanders While Firing on Unarmed Man
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 09/15/13 09:08AMHamilton Nolan · 09/10/13 04:22PM
The NYPD Guide to Watching Cricket (and Muslims) In New York City
Adrian Chen · 09/05/13 01:47PMChat With the Pulitzer-Winners Who Exposed The NYPD's Spy Ring
Adrian Chen · 09/03/13 12:33PM
Since 9/11, the NYPD has transformed itself into a mini CIA in an effort to fight terrorism. Associated press reporters Matt Apuzzo and Adam Goldman have admirably exposed the NYPD's intrusive, and possibly unconstitutional, secret surveillance program in a series of articles that won them the Pulitzer Prize. Their new book, Enemies Within, details how NYPD basically treats the entire Muslim population of New York City as potential terrorists—mass-surveilling mosques, deploying undercover "rakers" to snoop on random hookah bars, restaurants and cafes—with negligible results and less oversight even than the NSA's spying programs. To promote the book and refute the NYPD's pushback, the duo today released a cache of documents related to their investigations.
This Is the NYPD's Secret Spy Cab
John Cook · 08/27/13 08:32AM
In Enemies Within, the new book from Pulitzer Prize-winning Associated Press reporters Matt Apuzzo and Adam Goldman on the NYPD's indiscriminate and probably illegal spying program, reference is briefly made to a "real yellow cab, complete with an authentic taxi medallion registered under a fake name" used by the department's intelligence division to conduct surveillance operations. This is that cab.
Rapper's Instagram Pics Lead to Largest Gun Bust in NYC History
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/21/13 04:26PMThe Daily Show Destroys What's Left of the NYPD's Stop-and-Frisk
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/14/13 10:11AMCord Jefferson · 08/13/13 06:16PM
After yesterday's ruling that stop-and-frisk is unconstitutional, StreetsBlog looks at the "virulent" culture of NYPD cops, who sometimes say things like this: "We own the block. They don’t own the block, all right? They might live here but we own the block. ... We own the streets here. You tell them what to do."
Judge Rules Stop-and-Frisk Unconstitutional, Appoints Federal Monitor
Max Read · 08/12/13 08:17AMRookie NYPD Officer Shoots and Kills Allegedly Armed 14-Year-Old
Taylor Berman · 08/04/13 04:46PMNew York Times Can't Quite Bring Itself to Call Liar a Liar
Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/13 11:18AMNYPD Officer Arrests Woman and Steals Nude Pics Off Her Phone
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 07/22/13 08:24PMNYPD's Chief Lying Liar Will No Longer Be Paid by New York to Lie
John Cook · 07/19/13 09:16AMBloomberg on Stop-and-Frisk: 'I Think We Stop Minorities Too Little'
Cord Jefferson · 06/28/13 11:49AMCIA Spies Were Embedded Inside the NYPD
Hamilton Nolan · 06/27/13 08:11AMRay Kelly Thinks Public Will 'Accept' Spies Recording All Phone Calls
Hamilton Nolan · 06/18/13 08:15AMAmanda Bynes Announces Plan to Sue NYPD, Get Plastic Surgery
Taylor Berman · 05/27/13 11:32AM
Now that Amanda Bynes has finished randomly lashing out at Rihanna, she's moved on to her next, probably more deserving target: the NYPD. Monday morning, Bynes took to Twitter to announce her plans to sue the NYPD, her apartment complex, and possibly (the rant is difficult to understand) the hospital in which she was mentally evaluated after being arrested Thursday night.