NYPD Union Leaders Are Still Completely Out of Their Minds
Andy Cush · 10/09/15 10:21AM
Yesterday in front of the NYPD’s Civilian Complaint Review Board, a police captain pled guilty to pointing his gun at a pair of tweenage boys who were playing tag in their Bed Stuy street in 2013. He received just 30 days of lost vacation time for threatening deadly force against two innocent children. You might think he got off pretty easy. His union does not.
True Stories of Violent Cops From a New Report on NYPD Use of Force
Andy Cush · 10/01/15 04:43PM
A man pushed to the ground by a police officer because he was locked out of his apartment. A cop who punched someone in the face for riding his bike on the sidewalk, and another who pulled his gun on a man for filming him. These are a few of the horror stories contained within a new report on NYPD use of force.
NYPD to Ask Officers to Meticulously Report Every Beatdown Doled Out
Andy Cush · 10/01/15 11:40AM
Next time you have your ass handed to you by a member of New York’s finest—be it a hotheaded rookie who plays by his own rules or a grizzled veteran who’s too old for this shit—you’ll have the comfort of knowing that the officer is under strict orders to carefully report every aspect of the smackdown. Will he actually do so accurately? That’s a good question.
Suit: NYPD Sex Crimes Cop Investigating Rape Case Groped Victim
Brendan O'Connor · 09/30/15 09:15PMNYPD Union President: Non-Cops "Are Not Qualified" to Judge the Actions of Police
Hudson Hongo · 09/15/15 07:30PMFormer Tennis Star James Blake: NYPD Cop Who Tackled Me Should Be Fired
Brendan O'Connor · 09/12/15 01:45PMSecurity Footage Shows Cop's Brutal Takedown of Tennis Star James Blake
Jay Hathaway · 09/11/15 03:43PMBlack Man Receives Apology for Abuse From NYPD
Andy Cush · 09/10/15 03:55PM
On Monday, a black man named James Blake was assaulted by a New York City police officer outside his east Midtown hotel. The officer executed what his commissioner later called a “fast approach” takedown on Blake—grabbed his arm, threw him to the ground, and cuffed him—and leaving him cut, bruised and in cuffs for 10 to 15 minutes, all for a crime he didn’t commit. The only difference between Blake’s experience and that of countless other black men in New York is that he received an apology.
Police Officer Placed on Desk Duty After Mistakenly Tackling and Handcuffing Tennis Player James Blake
Gabrielle Bluestone · 09/10/15 08:15AMBratton and de Blasio, Best Buddies, Aren't Going to End Broken Windows
Andy Cush · 08/31/15 03:30PM
A Bill Bratton profile in this week’s New Yorker reveals little that we didn’t already know about the NYPD commissioner. What we do hear about, over and over, is the ongoing commitment of Bratton and Mayor Bill de Blasio to “broken windows” policing—which Bratton pledges will be around for as long as he and de Blasio are in power.
Bystander Shot and Killed During Undercover NYPD Weapons Sting Gone Awry
Brendan O'Connor · 08/29/15 02:40PMNYPD Sergeant Accused of Sexually Abusing Teen Girl Commits Suicide
Hudson Hongo · 08/20/15 07:15PMNYPD Union Uses Flickr in Innovative New Push to Shame the Homeless
Andy Cush · 08/11/15 04:38PM
A Flickr account operated by the union representing New York Police Department sergeants has spent the last week or so prolifically shaming the city’s most destitute residents. So far, the Sergeants Benevolent Association has posted 241 photos of homeless New Yorkers, some alongside “funny” captions about their subjects.
Bill Bratton Thinks More New Yorkers Should Be in Jail
Andy Cush · 08/05/15 02:48PMCop Who Put Eric Garner in Fatal Chokehold Wants Back on the Force
Brendan O'Connor · 07/12/15 11:25AMNYPD Sergeant Accused of Throwing Ejaculate on Female Co-Worker
Hudson Hongo · 07/09/15 10:15PMHere Is a Video of a Cop Dancing at New York City’s Gay Pride Parade
J.K. Trotter · 06/29/15 04:31PMFun.
Russell Simmons Called De Blasio a "Punk" and a "Bitch"
Brendan O'Connor · 06/21/15 09:20AMDriver Sues After Cops Admit on Video They Stopped Him for No Reason
Jay Hathaway · 06/08/15 04:30PMA 26-year-old New York City man says he plans to sue the city for unlawful arrest after NYPD officers pulled him over in the Bronx and refused to give him any reason for the stop. Ben Farias was ordered out of the car, but he left his phone in the cupholder to record the search. The video includes one cop admitting “I don’t know why we pulled him over.”