A white supremacist best known for his efforts to erect a whites-only enclave in North Dakota was stunned into awkward silence after being informed during a recent appearance on a syndicated daytime talk show that he was part African.

The delicious exchange took place during a recent taping of British TV host Trisha Goddard's self-titled talk show, which is presently engaged in an ongoing series of episodes dealing with "race in America."

Craig Cobb, an infamous neo-Nazi who is wanted in Canada for committing hate crimes, sat grinning as Goddard, who is black, read the results of a DNA test the 62-year-old had submitted to voluntarily.

"86% European," Goddard said, as her guest and the audience slowly arrived at the realization of what was to come. "14% sub-Saharan African."

At that, Goddard, her other guest, and the audience members let loose their satisfaction with the test results while Cobb tried to save face (race?) by calling his genetic makeup "statistical noise."

"You have a little black in you," Goddard reiterated before attempting to fist bump her "bro."

Cobb later told MailOnline he agreed to the test "because I assumed it was science," but then — presumably after the results were in — realized it was a "scientifically bankrupt procedure" intended only to "shock."

Asked how would react if a test he deemed legitimate were to repeat the results, Cobb said, charmingly, "well if I did have any nigger we don't want anymore of it."

Cobb was last in the news in October when it was reported that he was stymied in his efforts to purchase land in Leith, North Dakota, with the stated purpose of taking over the town and constructing a racialist haven called "Cobbsville."

Leith city council members approved a number of new ordinances that effectively squashed Cobb's racist dream.

[video via MailOnline]