Taylor Swift Moves Magic Chair into Rhode Island Mansion

If you live in Rhode Island you may have noticed that lately all the dogs are lurching about on their hind legs and all the sparrows are circling ‘round and ‘round in endless, frantic circles and every day at noon the sky turns midnight black—how strange; no idea why that is. In unrelated news, Taylor Swift moved into her newly purchased Rhode Island mansion on Wednesday. She also brought the seat of all her power: a lucky chair.
Swift reportedly purchased the 11,000 square foot beachfront mansion for $17.75M at the end of April, using money she’d earned babysitting. While she also owns a house in Beverly Hills, Swift's home base is her Nashville condo that, according to this Rolling Stone profile, features a Taylor-designed “human-size birdcage” made of wood. Definitely just for decoration. Definitely not for keeping humans in. Definitely not for her to crawl into at night and fall into a twitchy sleep.
According to the Daily Mail (which offers up what looks like some beautiful water colors of Taylor swift stepping off a private plane), the Nashville pad was also—up until Wednesday—the location of the chair Swift sits in to write all her songs.
The songwriter has reportedly moved her most beloved piece of furniture into her new estate.
The young star has a chair in which she sits to compose her songs, and it was seen being delivered to her Rhode Island home.
Now the iron throne has been disturbed. Now a distinct, undeniable chill cuts through the fresh air of a New England spring.
Taylor Swift's New Girl cameo airs May 14th .
[Image via AP]