Ted Cruz today fired his director of communications, Rick Tyler, over a video released over the weekend that appeared to depict Marco Rubio insulting the bible.

Tyler was responsible for distributing the video, which showed Rubio walking past Cruz’s father and a Cruz aide, who was reading the bible, in a South Carolina hotel lobby.

“Got a good book there, not many answers in it,” Rubio said to the aide, according to the video’s subtitles.

In fact, Rubio actually said, “Got a good book there, all the answers are in there.”

The incident doesn’t look good for Cruz, who has already been accused of lying about fellow candidates, including Rubio and Ben Carson.

“It’s every single day, something comes out of the Cruz campaign that’s deceptive and untrue, and in this case goes after my faith. So I understand, I guess one of their spokespersons apologized and I’ll accept his apology, but this is a pattern now and I think we’re now at a point where we start asking about accountability,” Rubio said after Tyler apologized for failing to fact check the video before distributing it.

According to the Daily Beast, Tyler was preparing to go on MSNBC and “abruptly left’ when the news broke.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, seems delighted by the news.

Image via AP. Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.