Ted Cruz Will Not Talk About Donald Trump's Penis, Unless You Ask Him

Ted Cruz is concerned with many issues, foremost among them is not the size of Donald Trump’s tiny trump.
Cruz took to Face The Nation in an interview aired Sunday to discuss such important issues. When asked about the “coarsening of the culture,” Cruz independently brought up Trump’s reference to the size of his own penis at last week’s Republican presidential debate.
Well, listen, there’s no doubt that there are aspects of this campaign that — that have gone into the gutter. I mean we saw moments with — with Donald Trump and Marco Rubio engaging in insults, engaging in — in off-color jokes, just getting nastier and nastier and nastier and throwing mud.
My approach, John, I’m not going to play that game. I’m not going to engage in the insults. I’m not going to throw the mud. I don’t really have any views on the size of any parts of Donald Trump’s anatomy And I’m not interested in talking about that.
He’s not even going to talk about it, even when he brings it up himself. So don’t ask!!!