The Teen Choice Awards were nothing but drama this year. In addition to upsetting teen Vine stars, this cursed awards show also brought out the worst in a fully grown adult (male DJ). DJ Calvin Harris reportedly blocked his ex-girlfriend Rita Ora from performing at the awards, according to a source close to the situation (Rita Ora).

Ora, a London pop star known for her red lipstick and decent Beyoncé covers, said yesterday that she didn't perform at the awards because Harris wouldn't let her sing the song he wrote when they were together, perfectly titled "I Will Never Let You Down."

"He wrote and produced the song, so he has to approve anything TV-wise," Ora told Ryan Seacrest on his radio show. "He owns the rights to it and he didn't approve the Teen Choice Awards. You write a song with somebody and I guess there's some stuff that comes with it." She added that she doesn't feel bad for herself in this situation, just her fans.

Harris, being the obviously mean and wrong ex-boyfriend that he is, clapped back on Twitter this morning with a statement that wasn't a denial:

The "bye" emoji: so cold. Cancel the Teen Choice Awards forever; not even the adults can handle them.