Eminem granted a terminally ill teen's dying wish earlier this week, showing up for a secret visit Sunday night.

After learning that 17-year-old Gage Garmo had just a week to live, Garmo's friends and family started campaigning on Twitter to arrange a meeting with Gage's favorite rapper. Eminem obliged, and not a moment too soon.

Eminem traveled from Atlanta to Garmo's Rochester, Mich., home—just 20 minutes from Eminem's own home—to spend an hour with the teen around 5 p.m. Sunday night, "just talking and hanging out," TMZ reports.

On Monday night, Garmo died of osteosarcoma.

He had become a local hero in Rochester, where he served as manager of the Rochester High School football team after his cancer forced him to stop playing. On Monday night, hundreds of friends joined Garmo's family for a candlelight vigil in his honor at the school's football field.

Gage Garmo would have turned 18 this Friday.

[Photo: WXYZ Detroit]