On Sunday, a teenager from New Jersey was arrested after sneaking to the top of 1 World Trade Center in the middle of the night and taking photos from its roof for more than two hours.

At about 4 am, 16-year-old Justin Casquejo left his New Jersey home and made his way to the World Trade Center. Once there, he squeezed through a small hole in the barbed-wire fence and convinced an unsuspecting elevator operator to take him to the building's 88th floor.

From there, he climbed to the 104th floor, walking right past a sleeping security guard, and went to the building's roof, just beneath its giant spire. He stayed there for two hours, snapping photos of the city.

On his way down, Casquejo was finally busted by a construction worker, who called police. The teen was arrested and faces a charge of misdemeanor trespassing.

Despite the looming charge, the Casquejo seemed to be in good spirits when contacted by the New York Post.

"Ha ha, oh yeah, that. Right. I would really love to talk to you guys because I have a lot that I want to say about it," he said. "I was told that I just can't [talk] without permission."

He did manage to tweet about the incident.

The sleeping security guard was later fired, according to the Post.

"We take security and these types of infractions very seriously and will prosecute violators," Joe Dunne, chief security officer for the Port Authority, said in a statement. "We continue to reassess our security posture at the site and are constantly working to make this site as secure as possible."

Unfortunately, we may never see the photos; Casquejo's camera and cell phone were seized by police after he was arrested.

UPDATE: This is reportedly one of the photos snapped by Casquejo Nevermind.

[Image via AP]