Lip dubs, time-lapse videos, and photo-a-day challenges: The Internet is lousy with them. But a photo-a-day time-lapse lip-dub video? Just one.

British teen Matt "Cat Licker" Perren spent three years putting together quite possibly the most labor-intensive video on the web: A time lapse of himself lip dubbing to Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" made entirely out of 1,101 days worth of self portraits.

"I made a very simple lip sync animation for the song, and adjusted the frame rate to determine how long I'd have to take pictures for," Perren explained in a YouTube comment. "Then everyday I've taken two pictures [one for the start and one for the end of the video] and they gradually make their way towards the middle of the video."

New year, next level.

(Special Mention: Kyle Warfield's #lastyearofselfies.)

[H/T: HyperVocal]