Burning up the local New York City press today: this video of a "mob" of teen hooligans vandalizing a Jewish-owned deli in Crown Heights, Brooklyn this weekend. Has the race war begun (again)???

Crown Heights, which suffered black vs. Jewish riots in the early 1990s and has carried the reputation of racial strife with it ever since, is a neighborhood that is very mixed—racially, socially, and economically. In case you are unskilled at reading between the lines of the tabloid media, well, here is what makes this sort of video an attractive story, from a tabloid media perspective: "There is concern from some that the Crown Heights store may have been targeted because it is owned by a Jewish businessman."

Before the news cycle takes on a life of its own, here is what we take away from this video:

1. Even though there were a ton of teens outside only a few went in and turned over a few things and then ran out in fear like giddy little, well, kids.

2. Teens of all nationalities and economic circumstances and places and races and persuasions do stupid idiot things because they are teens.

3. Ban teens.

Ban teens. Don't be racist. All teens.