An Ohio woman shot and killed a local teen on Sunday after he and three other teenagers were allegedly caught trespassing in her home at 4 a.m. At the time of the shooting, the teen was reportedly wearing an Insane Clown Posse mask and standing over the bed of her son holding a knife. Police later discovered that the two boys had been friends.

The four teens allegedly broke into the home of Heather Tackett early Sunday morning. When Tackett discovered 17-year-old Reb Barbee standing over her sleeping son's bed, she shot the boy with her boyfriend's .38 revolver. Barbee, who'd been shot in the upper back, made it out of the house and ran to his friends.

Afraid they'd get in trouble for trespassing, the three boys with Barbee initially refused to call 911 to report his injury.

Via the Columbus Dispatch:

Despite a gunshot wound in his upper back, Barbee ran with his friends about a half-mile back to Barbee's house at 635 Dovalon Place.

Nobody called 911. Not until an hour later, at 5:14 a.m. when Adam Pickens picked up the phone.

"Uh, I have a shot friend," the 18-year-old told the dispatcher. "I really don't know what to say."

Barbee was taken to a local hospital and died from his wound at around 6 a.m.

The three teens who allegedly helped Barbee break into Tackett's house have now been charged with murder.

Their friend dead, Pickens and two other youths, Brandon J. Hamilton and Tyler R. Blazer, both 17, were arrested. Hamilton and Blazer are facing delinquency counts of murder and complicity to aggravated burglary. Pickens is facing those same charges in adult court and is being held on $250,000 bond.

Tackett told police that she believed Barbee was aiming to hurt her son, who'd stopped hanging out with Barbee about a year ago. "Had he said, 'Heather, don't,' or, 'It's me,' or 'Jake,' or something to one of us," she told the Columbus Dispatch, " the situation would be very different."

[Image via FB]