Tennessee Republican Clearly Up to No Good

Here are some recent allegations lodged against Tennessee State Rep. Jeremy Durham (R):
- According to The Tennessean, Durham sent harassing and/or generally inappropriate text messages to at least three women working at Tennessee’s State Capitol in Nashville. To one woman in particular, the newspaper reported, “Durham repeatedly sent text messages and Facebook messages, sometimes late into the night. One text message, after 10 p.m., says he misses her. In another text, at about 1:30 a.m., Durham asks her for pictures.”
- According to Tennessee Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey, a fellow Republican, Durham had an extramarital affair with another state representative. At a press conference on Thursday, Ramsey told reporters: “The press didn’t force somebody to have an affair with another state Rep. and force them to resign.”
- According to police in Williamson County, Tennessee, Durham attempted to a fill an illegitimate prescription for Adderall in June 2013 (a revelation that was not reported until December 2015 by the The Tennesseean). However a local jury decided not to issue an indictment against Durham.
Though Durham resigned from his position as House Majority Whip on Sunday, he still appears to insist upon his innocence. Here are his denials of the above allegations, in the same order:
- Text messages: “Not having seen the texts, not knowing who the other party to the conversation is, when they were sent, what exactly they say, whether I was responding or initiating the text stream, it is simply impossible to respond.”
- Extramarital affair(s): “As of January 27, 2016, Representative Durham has taken a couple of weeks of leave from the legislature ... Nevertheless, he categorically denies having any physical relationship with former representatives (Mike) Harrison or (Leigh) Wilburn [both of whom recently resigned from the state legislature].”
- Fraudulent Adderall prescription: “This situation is from two and a half years ago and was fully vetted by 12 Williamson County citizens who quickly agreed that nothing illegal occurred.”
Shady stuff! Anyway, if you know any more about Durham’s behavior in or out of state legislature, please get in touch.
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