Representatives from six countries reached a tentative agreement today in Lausanne, Switzerland, that, if finalized, would limit Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for the end of U.S.-led sanctions. The deal is set to be completed by June 30, though there are reportedly still important details to be settled.

According to Reuters, Iran would suspend two-thirds of its current uranium enrichment capacity under the agreement and allow foreign monitoring for a decade. The New York Times reports that the “giant underground enrichment site at Fordo – which Israeli and some American officials fear is impervious to bombing – will be partly converted to advanced nuclear research and the production of medical isotopes.” At least one foreign scientist will work at Fordo, according to the Times, and no fissile material that could be used to make a bomb would be allowed in the facility.

UPDATE 3:13 pm: President Obama praised the deal at a press conference this afternoon.

After many months of tough principled diplomacy, we have achieved the framework for that deal, and it is a good deal,” Obama said, according to Bloomberg. “It is our best option by far.”

Iranians, meanwhile, celebrated the deal, or at least Obama’s discussion of it.

Image via AP.