Texas Bar: "I Like My Beer Like I Like My Violence: Domestic"

In what's becoming an unfortunate, infuriating tradition in the Lone Star State, another bar has scrawled the same offensive play on words for everyone to see. With chalk and a big pink heart.
Scruffy Duffies in Plano, Texas had the brilliant idea of writing "I like my beer like I like my violence: domestic" on a sign behind their bar, which rightfully alarmed Courtney Williams, who quickly took to Facebook to call Scruffy Duffies out. "I'm not going to be in a bar like this that's willing to make these kinds of jokes," she wrote.
As it would happen, Scruffy Duffies caught a social media shitstorm for the sign, and the Dallas Morning-News reports that the bar's general manager has since been fired. The bar's apology on Facebook reveals that a female employee wrote the sign:
It has come to our attention that one of our female employees wrote something offensive without owner's approval. Domestic violence is something our family unfortunately has overcome in the past, therefore this subject is one we don't take lightly. We are currently investigating the situation and proper actions will be taken immediately. We thank you for your patience and again want to ensure this is not our stance.
Even worse, this isn't even the first time the exact same bad joke has been deployed: A bar in Austin chalked the phrase themselves last year. They quickly did an about-face, fired the offending employee, and offered to donate a dollar to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence for every domestic beer sold. Stop making this "joke."