It's a Christmas miracle: 42-year-old movie star Cameron Diaz is engaged to be married. After some 20-odd years of eligibility and a truly ill-advised period of dating Justin Timberlake, we're finally getting this gal down the aisle. According to US Weekly, Cam's even talking about having babies. It's all happening!

While Cameron has absolutely refused to comment on her marital status in recent interviews, US Weekly confirms this morning that ex-Good Charlotte band member Benji Madden is prepared to make an honest woman out of her. According to a "source":

Everyone thinks it's wild but are so happy for them. Benji always tends to fall in love easily, but this time it's for real and he landed a great girl. They obviously both make each other incredibly happy and there's nothing better than that.

Another "source" adds, "He is more traditional then her. She really doesn't care about getting married but wants babies. He wants to get engaged and married first."

Can you imagine, that Cameron Diaz really doesn't care about getting married? Thank god Benji cares, so now she can get married. Congrats to the happy couple.

[Photo via Splash News]