Amber Vinson, the second Dallas nurse to be diagnosed with Ebola, reportedly had permission from the Centers for Disease Control to fly on a commercial flight from Cleveland to Dallas—even though she reported having a fever.

CNN and CBS both report that Vinson called the CDC "several times" before her flight Monday and complained of a 99.5 degree fever. But according to CBS, they told her she could fly because her temperature was under the 100.4 "high risk" level.

Vinson was hospitalized Tuesday and formally diagnosed Wednesday. She was exposed to the virus while treating Thomas Eric Duncan, and is the second Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital nurse involved in the case to test positive.

CDC director Thomas Frieden later acknowledged that Vinson—who had extensive contact with Duncan—should not have been allowed to board a commercial aircraft.

The CDC says the aircraft Vinson traveled on has been taken out of service—but not before flying to Cleveland, Fort Lauderdale, and Atlanta.

Vinson is reportedly being moved to Emory University Hospital, which has successfully treated two other Ebola patients. The move was also motivated, at least in part, according to CNN, to prevent a walkout at the Dallas hospital.

[image via AP]