The official brand of Austin, Texas, USA is: "Keep Austin Weird." If you visit, you will be inundated with the mantra wherever you strut your cowboy boots. It is an amorphous identity projected by Austinites onto and into everything they do and it often sounds like a battle cry—this is the only "liberal" place in Lone Star State, and let's keep it that way!

But guess what, the Daily Show says: Austin's vaguely progressive values in a staunchly conservative state aren't even the weirdest aspect of the city—it's that all but one of the city's congressional representatives are Republicans. The Daily Show, which just wrapped a weeklong stint in Austin, has discovered the recent bout of shady redistricting that has left the state's less-than-conservative enclaves without true representation. It's fucked up! And people who live in Austin know all too well.

[H/T Digg]