The drunken UConn idiot who threw a tantrum when he was denied the sweet, sweet pleasures of cheesy pasta has finally surfaced.

Luke Gatti, a 19-year-old student at the University of Connecticut, flew into a rage when he couldn’t get his “fucking bacon jalapeño mac and cheese” in a video that made headlines last week. Now, he has apologized for the incident, saying that he acted like a “complete asshole” to the cafeteria worker who tried to kick him out of the school’s dining hall.

“Nobody deserves to be treated that way, ever,” Gatti says. “At the time I was, to say the least, very intoxicated.”

“This was seriously a wake-up call,” said Gatti. Interestingly enough, it wasn’t the other two times that he was arrested before — once for reportedly shouting the n-word at a police officer — that were his wake up call. No, it took the denial of some fucking bacon jalapeño mac and cheese to really bring him to rock bottom.

For reference, here’s the original tape, which, despite Gatti’s apology, will live forever in infamy:

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