Former FBI agent and current indicted congressman Rep. Michael Grimm left the bureau on such bad terms that the FBI ended up barring him from the building in the most hilarious way.

Federal security personnel at the FBI's headquarters in Lower Manhattan and a satellite office in Kew Gardens, Queens, posted Grimm's photo inside their glass-enclosed stations in the event he showed up, sources said.

They were under orders to stop him and to immediately notify higher authorities on what further action to take, according to the sources.

"He is not permitted in our space," one source told "On The Inside."

"He is not welcome," a former top FBI official said.

"[The security photos] are all employees who were fired, or they were under circumstances where they were forced out or felt they should leave, and all are no longer welcome back," a former FBI official told DNAinfo.

Grimm's short FBI career yielded some tall accusations, but the actual reason for his departure is unknown. A 2012 New Yorker Story [DEFINITELY worth the read] suggests Grimm had aggressively abused his power as an agent to punish someone he was arguing with, although he denied the report at the time.

Grimm, who infamously tore into a reporter on-the-air after the State of the Union address this year, was also indicted last week on charges of mail, tax, and wire fraud.

[image via AP]