FBI Director James B. Comey has announced that American intelligence agencies have identified the masked ISIS militant responsible for beheading journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff. The killer, who speaks fluent, British-accented English has been nicknamed "Jihadi John," but the FBI is opting against releasing his name or nationality while agents are on the hunt for him.

Agents used a combination of voice-recognition technology, overhead imagery, and intelligence records to find the man. An initial suspect was a British rapper named Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary (aka L. Jinny), but The New York Times is reporting that a British official has since stated "the assumption is that was wrong."

Additionally, although Salim Benghalem was listed as a designated ISIS executioner on the list of sanctioned foreign fighters that the United States released yesterday, his French nationality makes him an unlikely suspect in these murders.

[Image via Twitter]