David Hoff Takes the 'Hassel' Off His Name
“I’ve been wanting to drop the hassle from my life for years,” someone once said. “Now, it’s official.” That someone? David Hoff. Hasselhoff, hassle-free. Free to be: you (David, a.k.a. “The Hoff”) and me.
Where is David? Ibiza. Not really. The theater: the stage. What’s in a name? that which we call a rose / by any other name would smell as sweet / so Hasselhoff would, were he not Hasselhoff call’d.
An actor. A man of words and letters. (Fewer letters now, than before.) Earlier: an actor in television shows. Today: an actor in a play. A play! In England! Shakespeare? No. A play about—Ibiza.
But why? Why? “I wanted to do a story set the 80s and 90s Ibiza, and I thought about what it was like for us to party in the 80s when it wasn’t dangerous and how it changed in to something more. So I did this theme where my daughter comes to visit me and she thinks all I want to do is party.”
Ah, ha! The 80s and 90s. David “The Hoff” Hoff.
Contact the author of this post: brendan.oconnor@gawker.com.