This morning the Supreme Court held that the federal Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional, and dismissed California's Prop. 8 appeal, making gay marriage legal in California. A good day for the judicial system, and an even better one for civil rights. In light of today's rulings, we present you with Gawker's coverage of same-sex marriage over the years.

"So You Want to Get Gay Married..." by Max Read

In a 5-4 ruling released this morning, the Supreme Court struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act, granting thousands of married gay couple federal recognition. What does this mean, practically?

"Master Bedroom, Extra Closet: The Truth About Gay Marriage," by Steven Thrasher

Any day now, possibly as soon as tomorrow, the Supreme Court of the United States will rule on whether or not access to civil marriage is the law of the land for any adult couple, gay or straight.

"Michael Kinsley Speaks Up For the Misunderstood Homophobes," by Tom Scocca

Last week, peripatetic contrarian-liberal editor-pundit Michael Kinsley used his newish column in his old magazine, the New Republic, to complain about the closed-mindedness and intolerance that supporters of gay marriage have displaying toward their opponents:

"Why the Supreme Court Hasn't Taken Either Gay Marriage Case Yet," Mallory Ortberg

The Supreme Court met Friday to discuss the possibility of hearing arguments for two high-profile cases concerning gay marriage (one for California's Proposition 8 and the other for the federal Defense of Marriage Act), but "surprised" everyone when they made neither a decision nor an announcement by the end of the day.

"I'm a Gay Mormon Who'se Been Happily Married for Ten Years," Josh Weed

Yesterday, blogger and family therapist Josh Weed published a 6,000-word post on his personal site that he'd co-written with his wife of 10 years.

"Happy National Coming Out Day: My Dad Found Out I'm Gay Through My Blog," by Rich Juzwiak

For most of my life, I felt like I was a disappointment to my father. He never told me that I was, but it was obvious to me that I did not live up to the ideals he had in mind for his only son.

"Barack Obama's Bullshit Gay Marriage Announcement," by John Cook

ABC News has only released one brief clip of Obama's conversation about gay marriage today, but it seems fairly clear from the network's coverage that his announcement amounts to much less than meets the eye.

"From the Desk of Nick Denton: Centaurs for Gay Marriage," by Max Read

From the Facebook page of fearless Gawker overlord Nick Denton, a suggestion for a gay-rights campaign:

"Don't Forgive Gay Traitor Ken Mehlman," Brian Moylan

It's been a long, strange road for Ken Mehlman, the George W. Bush campaign strategist and former chairman of the Republican National Committee.

"How To Tell If Your Son Is Gay," by Richard Lawson

There's a new Android app out (here's the English version) called "Is My Son Gay?" in which one can answer an easy series of questions ("Are you divorced?") that will tell you if, in fact, your son is a gay person.

"How Could Anyone Be Against Gay Marriage After Watching This?" by Matt Cherette

One reason why some people oppose same-sex marriage is that they've never met a happy, loving gay couple or family.

"New York Isn't Quite Ready for Gay Marriage," by Brian Moylan

Today is the first day that gay New Yorkers can apply for a marriage license. Congrats! Too bad the City Clerk's online form for a marriage license still insists on a "bride" and "groom."

"A Gay Marriage Etiquette Guide," by Brian Moylan

Gay New Yorkers can now get married. That's great news, of course, but let's not forget that there is no bigger logistical or etiquette nightmare on this planet than planning a wedding.

"This Is What Gay Men in America Really Look Like," by Brian Moylan

The stereotype of gay men is that they all live in urban environments and prance around in designer clothing saying "fierce" and giving straight women make-overs.

"Join the Party: Help Gawker Media Raise Money for Same-Sex Marriage," by Brian Moylan

We crack wise about a lot of things here at Gawker, and generally avoid getting all serious and earnest about the political issues of the day. But this month, in honor of Pride Month, we've decided to, earnestly and seriously, throw our support behind something we're truly passionate about: marriage equality.

"The Secret Gay Loved Ones of Homophobic Politicians," by Maureen O'Connor

Statistics being what they are, every homophobic politician must have a gay loved one hiding somewhere.

"The Prop 8 Judge Is Gay, and It Doesn't Matter," by Maureen O'Connor

Once upon a time, gay activists hated Vaughn Walker for legally squashing the Gay Olympics.

"Cry, Laugh At World's Dumbest Anti-Gay Ad Auditions," by Alex Pareene

Hey, here is an ad that will make you furious. Furious! It is about how the gay marriage will hurt these people. You've never seen so many infuriating lies in 60 seconds.

"The Friendly Face of Hate," by Alex Pareene

Hey, meet Brian Brown, the executive director of the anti-gay hate group the National Organization for Marriage.

"Fists Up For Gay Marriage," by Richard Lawson

Here's a nice thing. Shepard Fairey, that skateboarding RISD-trained artist who created that now-iconic Barack Obama "Hope" poster (plus that whole "Andre the Giant Has a Posse" thing), has lent his talents to the marriage equality movement in California.

[Art by Jim Cooke.]