Earlier this week you may have read in the New York Daily News about the international adventures of Jon Levy, a 33 year-old New Yorker who spent “a year of weekends at the world’s most exhilarating and entertaining spectacles.” The article neglected to mention Levy’s extremely important side gig as the host of the “The Influencers Dinner,” a monthly gathering of self-described “influentials” (including, at one dinner, a Winklevoss brother) at his massive Manhattan apartment, which he likes to call “The Manor.”

Sounds like an awesome party! And Levy, from what we’ve heard, seems like the perfect host. He was born to the wealthy painter Benjamin Levy and graduated from the Dwight School (“igniting the spark of genius in every child”) and NYU before deciding to criss-cross the globe in search of the most refined diversions. A marketing director at Rodale during the week, he flies out of New York every Friday for events like Burning Man, the Running of the Bulls, and Art Basel Miami — the latter “for the pure fact that it is supposed to be a crazy scene.” And why not? Levy’s an Influencer, after all.

A tipster recently forwarded us the latest Influencers Dinner invitation, copied below, for tonight’s soirée. Guests should be on their very best behavior; as the invitation brags/warns, Levy convinced a Sunday Styles Times reporter to cover his own dinner.

From: Concierge - Caroline Ammarell

Date: September 15, 2013 6:56:15 PM EDT

To: Concierge-Caroline Ammarell

Subject: FINAL REMINDER AND DETAILS: Reunion & Platinum Cocktails with The Influencers

Dear Influencer,

The Influencers look forward to an evening of great company, intriguing conversation, tasty cocktails, and assorted entertainment. We'd like to remind everyone that due to the high volume of attendees at this event, we're now unable to accommodate plus ones. This salon experience will be hosted by the founder of the Influencers, Jon Levy.

Cocktails with The Influencers

September 18th at 9:30PM+

The Manor

[Address removed]

Your attendance is confirmed. As a reminder, a journalist from the NYTimes will be present and covering the event for the Sunday Style section.

This invitation is not transferable and is only valid for yourself. We are now over capacity due to the overwhelming response from former dinner guests. We apologize, but we will not be able to accommodate any plus ones that are not spouses or significant others. Please email me if you would like to bring a significant other, and otherwise we look forward to hosting you!


Caroline Ammarell


The Influencers



See us in Forbes.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the intention of the event?

The commitment is to have a salon experience, where people leave every conversation saying: “I am so happy I spoke to that person.” It is not about networking, although that happens naturally.

What is appropriate attire?

There is no formal dress code, so dress as you would like to be known. Wearing a suit or jeans and a t-shirt are equally appropriate.

Who will be there?

The guests’ names are kept secret to preserve the experience, but attendees are always an eclectic mix that range from world record holders, TV stars, agency founders, olympians, and business owners, to famed photographers, comedians, internet celebrities, platinum music artists, heiresses, and everyone in between.

Should I bring anything?

A bottle of wine or liquor is always welcome and appreciated.

Aut delectare aut prodesse est.” -Horace, “Either to please or to educate.”

[Image via Facebook]